friday takeout

March 25, 2022

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Oelwein Progress promotion and editorial: Regional Tech Complex develops workforce skills, RAMS / Oelwein Center serves as resource for students ... link

  • Northeast Iowa Community College implementing customer relationship software (CMS) to coordinate outreach and marketing efforts ... EdScoop online link

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee Hosting Personal Pronouns Listening Session next Thursday

The Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee invites everyone to join guest speaker, Joshua Ratel-Khan, for a Zoom listening session on Personal Pronouns. Come learn terminology around gender and how to appropriately use inclusive language. The event is open to students, staff and the community.

Thursday, March 31
Noon - 1 p.m.
Registration link

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Spring is Here … Have a Garage Sale!

The winter months and pandemic offered plenty of opportunities to see the inside of our houses, and all of the stuff that we’ve accumulated might find a better home elsewhere. So, why not have a garage sale this spring? Whether your goal is to declutter and organize, or make a little extra money, the warmer weather approaching is the perfect time. An online article by the financial advising team Ramsey Solutions, “Best Tips for Having a Successful Garage Sale,” offers solid advice and suggestions, including how to set prices for items, how to advertise and promote your sale, and tips for teaming up with friends and neighbors to lessen the workload.


Kara and Piper, our Green Iowa AmeriCorps Sustainability Coordinators, will be bringing us regular facts and tips to green your life and make it more sustainable.

March is Women's History month and this year the theme is "Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope." It is our hope that with these weekly tips, we are providing healing for our planet and world and promoting hope that we can and are making a difference! There are so many people doing their part to help solve the climate crisis. Check out this article about 15 women powerhouses in the field of sustainability and be inspired! And locally, our very own Julia Sollien is doing her part, taking the NICC Pledge for the Planet mentioned in last week's Green Corner. She is pledging to "bring her own food storage container when she doesn't finish her meal at a restaurant." As we all learned during COVID when we were not able to eat in restaurants - those takeout containers, plastic cutlery, beverage containers, straws, condiments and plastic bags certainly add up quickly! Do you feel motivated by Julia's pledge? Earth Month is right around the corner. Think of ways you can provide healing and promote hope and make your own pledge here!

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Allanda Gehling

Cresco Center Director

What is the most irrational fear or phobia that you have?

Snakes. I have the biggest fear of snakes. Thinking one is always going to be in the grass outside, accidentally picking up what I think would be a stick but it is a snake, one curled up in a porta-potty (yes, I hold the door open and scan completely before going in), or at the river one swimming right next to me and the list could go on! I love going to zoos, but can't breathe when we walk through the snake exhibits!

Share something or an experience that has changed your worldview.

The summer before my junior year of high school, I went on a mission trip to Trinidad. It was definitely eye opening to see another part of the world's culture, landscape and to bring service to those in need. The grandma of one of the families that we were working with needed a heart surgery, so we went back to our camp and all pitched in the funds of what she needed, which was less than $100 for her to undergo the surgery. The landscape there was amazing and in some areas felt like it went on for miles of pure nature, as I remember in one view from our camp you could see the ocean, mountains and fields with cows. The sunsets and sunrises were so incredibly beautiful!

What is the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?

When it comes to food, I am a big texture person, so for almost my entire life I assumed I wouldn't like sushi. However, one of my friends did get me to go out of my comfort zone last year and try it, and now I love it! I am still hesitant to eat any with shrimp because that texture still gets me. I also did try octopus once. Not sure if that would really count for as small of a bite that I took, as it definitely wouldn't follow my mom's rule growing up of three bites of everything before being excused from the table!

What item do you buy the most of at a bulk store? (e.g., Costco, Sam’s Club)

I don't have a membership at either place, but I often tell myself I should! However, if I did, I think it would need to be Top the Tator and Wavy Frito Lay chips because my kids finish a container and bag in one sitting. Or paper towels. I can never seem to find paper towels in my house when I need them quickly when something spills, which is a normal occurrence with three kids!

What fictional place would you like to visit?

It would have to be Central Perk from the show Friends! I am not a coffee drinker, but I don't think that would matter since the coffee and service wasn't good anyways. It would be for the laughs and the company as that was one of my favorite TV shows and still is!

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!