friday takeout

February 19, 2021

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Getting an early start: Career Learning Link student, Cassidy Steger (pictured at right), turns her passion for photography into her own business ... feature

  • Northeast Iowa Community College named to 2021 Military Friendly Schools list! ... news

  • Fiscal stewardship: College reduces property tax levy rate in northeast Iowa ... Cascade Pioneer link

  • FACULTY AND STAFF: Stay up-to-date on the College's Strategic Plan and Tracking document in NICC Shared Files!

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Writing Tips and Strategies for You, Part 3: Effective Email Communication

Editor's note: All during February, Friday Takeout will devote space to sharing writing tips and strategies for the College community. Whether it’s a simple email or a 25-page report, we can all benefit from a refresher. This week's edition revisits email communication again, drawing upon guidelines Business and Community Solutions adopted for its team in December 2020.

Business Email Communication Best Practices

  • Respond to all emails within two business days.

  • Use of Return Receipt for emails is not recommended.

  • If you do not receive a response, sending a follow-up email or phone call is appropriate.

  • For external communication with customers and partners, be mindful of time sensitivity and use your discretion. If you are unsure of expectations, communicate with your supervisor.

  • For internal communication, please give each other grace and allow two business days for responses when possible.

  • Subject line strategies. Subject line should indicate the importance by including deadlines. Subject lines should also be relevant to the topic. EXAMPLE SUBJECT LINE: “Vacation Request REPLY BY 12/16/20"

      • Responding to lengthy threads should be avoided if possible.

      • Communicate with your supervisor and team about preferences and expectations for communication.

  • Answer all questions in a single email. Separate into paragraphs for easy reading.

  • Proofread before sending, including for spelling, grammar and punctuation.

  • Don’t attach unnecessary files.

  • Don’t leave out previous message threads when responding.

  • Don’t “hijack” the subject line standards of email threads. In other words, note that the subject line should match the topic of discussion.

  • Use “Reply All” when appropriate.

Phi Theta Kappa Peosta Chapter Earns the Five Star Award!

The Phi Theta Kappa Chapter at the Peosta campus (Beta Epsilon Pi) has earned the top chapter honor, Five Star Level! Phi Theta Kappa is the national honor society of community colleges and recognizes students' academic and leadership abilities. The chapter was awarded for achieving a number of challenging criteria, including:

  • Developing an Honors in Action project

  • Selecting a theme of interest for the chapter

  • Setting research objectives and conducting research on the theme

  • Developing a plan of action based on the local problem identified through research

  • Collaborating with others to execute a plan of action

  • Assessing impact and personal growth as scholars and leaders

"I would like to congratulate the chapter for the dedication and hard work of the chapter officers, members and advisors. It is an honor to be recognized as a Five Star chapter and this group truly deserves it!" Sue Schneider, Dean of Nursing and Phi Theta Kappa advisor, said.

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Self-Care Tips and Inspiration

by Flannery Cerbin-Bohach, Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager

Self-Care Tip of the Week:

Mental burnout

Burnout is a byproduct of working with intensity and without breaks, sometimes with lack of support, with too much isolation and with stressors across many aspects of life. It’s important to understand the signs of burnout to better help care for yourself. Signs of burnout include exhaustion, isolation, escape fantasies, irritability and frequent illnesses. If you notice any of these feelings, consider taking an assessment.

  • Reach out to those closest to you. Share how you’re feeling, and ask for help when you need it.

  • Re-evaluate your priorities. Get organized and set realistic goals for how much you can accomplish in a day given your current personal and professional workload.

  • Set boundaries. Don’t overextend yourself and learn how to say “no” to requests for your time.

  • Take daily breaks from technology and set aside time for relaxation.

  • Get plenty of sleep. Feeling tired can make you irritable and can exacerbate stress.

  • Seek Support. For counseling and support the Employee Assistance Program offers confidential counseling at no cost for NICC employees and families. For more information about the EAP listen into the informational session Wednesday, Feb. 24 at 1pm. (see details in Upcoming Wellness Activities Below)


Inspiration of the Week:

This pretty much sums it up for the week … Can anyone say heat wave?!

Recipe of the Week:

Brussel Sprouts with Pickled Carrots, Walnuts, Cilantro and Citrus Vinaigrette - from Six Seasons by Joshua McFadden, photo at left. This was a tasty and unique side dish (we replaced roasted carrots for pickled ones and it was still amazing!).

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Anne-Kristi Lee, D.V.M.

Large Animal Vet Tech Instructor | Calmar Campus

What is the age in your life that stands out as the most memorable, and why?

Undergraduate years and studying abroad in Malta when I was 20-21 years old.

This was a wonderfully exciting time of travel, new experiences, independence,

and real world education.

What is your favorite movie of all time? (in a particular genre, if it’s easier to

answer. e.g., comedy, drama, horror, sci fi.)

Bourne Identity movies.

Who is your favorite comedian?

Louie Anderson: “I’m touching the tools!”

Name one country or region in the world you have never visited that you

someday want to visit, serve or spend a vacation?

New Zealand and Australia

Give your colleagues a suggestion: what are 1, 2, or 3 of your favorite smart

phone apps?

Amazon, Shutterfly and Google Photo

If you could replace all the grass in the world with something else, what

would it be?

Fields of wildflowers, but non-allergenic flowers and plants because I’m allergic.

If you could kill off any character from a current TV show, who would it be

and why?

John Dutton in the TV show Yellowstone because he uses everyone in his life,

even his own children, for his own gain in the name of “providing for his family

and their inheritance.” Also, from the same show, Yellowstone: Beth because she is pure evil; the Beck brothers because they will stop at nothing to maintain

their own lifestyles; and Chairman Rainwater because he is crooked and justifies his unethical actions in the name of conservation and preservation. So that includes pretty much everyone on this twisted, crazy, but VERY entertaining show!

If you could choose one cartoon character to be your best friend, what

character would you choose?

She-Ra, Princess of Power!

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!