friday takeout

September 14, 2018

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

Voters in College district pass $39M bond levy continuation ballot measure with 84.16 percent approval! ... news

After the final votes were in at the Dubuque County Courthouse, Dr. Wee recorded a video this Tuesday night to offer his gratitude to voters in northeast Iowa for their investment through the College ... link

Information Technology student, Justin Mescher, solves one problem at a time and builds new career through NICC ... feature

"Avoiding Many Types of Malware" is the subject of this month's Information Security Team Report ... link

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Conversation Corner

When voters decided to continue their investment in Northeast Iowa Community College by passing the bond levy continuation on Sept. 11, they demonstrated their trust in us to educate, train and support our communities. In this month's Conversation Corner you can read about some of the ways we support our students, such as; the College’s embrace of Open Educational Resources (OER) that save students thousands of dollars in lieu of purchasing expensive textbooks; and our Care Call campaign each semester that ensures new students are connected to the people and services they need to be successful. The terrific work Business and Community Solutions faculty and staff have engaged in to guide high school students toward their education and careers, and to support businesses across the district to train their employees, is also shared in this edition. Finally, we ask you to participate in refreshing our College mission and vision – the first step to making sure we are aligned as an organization to meet the needs of our communities for the future. Thank you for what you do to teach, train, support and serve our students and businesses.

As a refresher ahead of Dr. Wee's forums next week in Calmar and Peosta, here are the College's new Mission and Vision statements:

Mission Statement (NEW)

Northeast Iowa Community College provides in-demand education and training focused on changing lives, driving business success and advancing community vitality.

Vision Statement (NEW)

To be the premier source for in-demand education, workforce training, partnerships, and community vitality through innovation and talent development.

David Dahms l Vice President of Finance and Administration

Wendy Knight | Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Advancement

Wendy Mihm-Herold, Ph.D. | Vice President of Business and Community Solutions

Kathleen Nacos-Burds, Ph.D. l Vice President of Learning and Student Success

Rhonda Seibert l Associate Vice President of Operations

See this month's update!

Agenda and Packet: Board of Trustees Sept. 17, 2018 meeting

APPETIZERS | just a little something.

Voters in College District Gave Overwhelming Support to Bond Levy Continuation Ballot Measure this Week!

Voters in Northeast Iowa Community College's district gave their approval for the continuation of a $39 million bond levy in a Special Election on Tuesday, Sept. 11. Unofficially, the measure was approved with 84.20 percent votes. Following the official canvas, the results will be certified by the county boards of supervisors.

District-wide the voter turnout was 4.08 percent; low by General Election standards, yet typical of Special Elections and School Board Elections in our area.

Thank you to EVERYONE for their votes, support, contributions, talents and efforts to pass this measure and secure this much-needed funding for Northeast Iowa Community College!

Send any questions or comments you have about the bond levy continuation effort to!

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

The Gragert's "Herd is Growin' by 1" !

James and Hallie Gragert are excited to announce that the couple is expecting their first child in March 2019! Hallie is an Administrative Assistant at the Cresco Center.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Tessa Becker | Instructional Designer, Online & Blended Learning

Calmar Campus

What is the favorite part of your job or workday at the College?

The people I get to work with. Everyone at NICC has been so kind and welcoming – I love it here! I have been blessed with an amazing team of people to work alongside; the Online and Blended Learning team is doing great things!

What is the most memorable moment you recall from your college or high school experience?

I’m going to take this one back a bit further to middle school where I met my husband. If you would’ve told me back then that I’d marry him someday, I would have thought you were crazy (though, I surely would have hoped that you were right!) He’s definitely the most memorable element of all of my middle/high school and college experiences with far too many great memories to pick just one.

What childhood experience most impacted your current set of values or your career path?

I grew up helping out on my uncle’s dairy farm and spent much of my summers stacking hay. I hated it at the time, but my mom always told me that hard work builds “character”... I guess by now I should be FULL of character! In all seriousness, helping out on the farm helped shape my values and has much to do with my work ethic as an adult.

Do you believe that more technology in the classroom or in the world is helping students learn? If yes (or “no, it isn’t”), why?

Absolutely! Technology in the classroom allows us to reach far beyond northeast Iowa in what and who we teach. Through various means of technology, we are able to stay at the forefront of innovative design and content delivery. Every student has a unique learning style, and technology allows us to best serve each student as an individual.

What is your greatest achievement and how has it shaped you?

My greatest achievement is bringing my son, Gannon, into the world. Being a mom has brought more joy to my life than I thought possible. Everything I do is for my family. Gannon keeps me running, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! I am blessed beyond words.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!