friday takeout

June 28, 2019

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • KCRG-TV broadcast coverage highlights the benefits of the Last-Dollar Scholarship, for our students and local employers ... link

  • Work-based learning helps launch Guttenberg Care Center Administrator Miranda Barnhart's career ... feature

  • Telegraph Herald visits with our own Gena Gesing to discuss merits of Summer Instructor Tours program ... video

  • New Dubuquer shifts career plans to train in the College's Industrial Sewing program in Dubuque ... news

  • Check it out! Breakfast on the Farm photos and videos capture another successful event, now in its tenth year ...

Note to Readers: The Friday Takeout has begun its every-other-week summer schedule. The next issue will be released on July 12.

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Web Update Going Live July 22!

Over the past year, Marketing has been going through the process of updating the site template and adding new functionality. There are a number of goals for this template redesign, some of which include:

  • Improving readability through design
  • Better representation of the NICC brand and experience
  • Reusing data in TerminalFour more efficiently
  • Reducing the need for manual maintenance where possible
  • Improving traffic flows through structure modifications
  • Improving accessibility compliance and device responsiveness

New Features

In addition to updating the site template, you will find new functionality across the site intended to provide a more positive experience for both site visitors and College content managers. A small snippet of new features include:


Promote your events more thoroughly with dedicated event pages, allow visitors to save events to their calendars and allow visitors to find information and registration options easier.

You will be able to submit your events directly to the website for Marketing to review and approve. Content Managers will have the option to add events directly into TerminalFour.


Now searchable! Find faculty and staff at the College by name, position title or filter alphabetically.

Interactive Campus Map

Not sure where to find something? Pop open the interactive campus map and view information about each College location.

Things for You to Do

Update your links

When the new site publishes, you will want to update any links that you have created in documents, MyCampus or anywhere else. The website is becoming more Search Engine Optimization (SEO) friendly, so a number of urls will change. Old urls will still function for a short period of time and point to the new locations. This will allow search engines to update page locations and keep links with old urls active. Any “friendly” urls that are used in print promotions will remain active. These are usually urls that end with a single path (e.g.

Content Managers

Content Managers will be able to review the migration of their content the week of July 8-12, prior to the new site going live. Look for communication directly from Marketing.

APPETIZER | a little something for your appetite.

Thank You for Your Support of Scholarships!

This year the Northeast Iowa Community College Foundation raised a total of $44,399 between the two golf tournaments! The Foundation has been holding this golf tournament for 38 years in Calmar and 28 years in Peosta.

To date, the tournament has helped raise more than $1 million for student scholarships.

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

Congratulations and Welcome to Northeast Iowa Community College!

Ken Brown is a new Business Instructor at Peosta.

Travis Hunt is a new LMS System Administrator at Peosta.

Erica Knapp is a new Library Specialist at Peosta.

Jordan O’Connell is a new Success Model Coordinator at Peosta.

Carrie Shepard is a new Medical Assisting program faculty member at Calmar.

Melissa Stewart is a new Business Instructor at Calmar.

Mary Washington is a new Custodian at Peosta.

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Teaching Others through Her Inspirational Example: The late Gabe Grunewald

A courageous young woman passed away recently; she was a friend-of-a-friend. I’d been following her journey over the past couple of years, so her passing seemed close.

She was 32. She ran competitively for the University of Minnesota and turned to professional road and track racing after college. She was fast … like, really fast. She holds the eleventh fastest 1500-meter time of any U.S. woman.

At 22, upon the brink of college graduation, she was diagnosed with a rare and incurable cancer, adenoid cystic carcinoma. The day after her diagnosis, she competed in a prestigious track meet and ran her fastest time ever. Two years later, in the height of her competitive track career, she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She learned about a four-pound tumor on her liver (a recurrence of the adenoid cystic carcinoma) just days after running in the 5K at the Olympic Trials. Over the course of a decade, she had multiple rounds of chemotherapy, radiation, experimental treatments and surgeries all while training, racing and excelling, and carrying on embracing life. She leaves behind her husband/training partner, her family and friends, and an expansive running community who found hope and inspiration in her fight. She also leaves behind the Brave Like Gabe Foundation, which has collectively raised over half a million dollars for rare cancer research.

You might know someone just like this young woman. This story might sound familiar to you. We’re surrounded by living and dying, and as such we have our own stories of grief. Since this young woman’s premature passing, I’ve been reflecting on

how we will all face our own mortality, but also on what it means to be alive. She leaves behind one particular quote that touches on this and resonated with me, and I hope it will for you:

“Being brave, for me, means not giving up on the things that make me feel alive.”

- Gabe Grunewald June 25, 1986 - June 11, 2019

by Flannery Cerbin-Bohach

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Kevin Helgerson

Dairy Center Custodian | Calmar

Which of the following aspects of your upbringing most contributed in shaping the person you came to be and why/how? (e.g., geography, physical environment (farm, city, housing), community, socio-economic status, religion, or individuals most responsible for your care.)

My grandparents helping on the farm and my mom, who never gave up on me. It is from these family members that I have the work ethic that I do.

What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat?

Beets! I do not like them.

If you could invent any product, no matter how unrealistic it may seem, what would it be and what would it do?

Self-cleaning rooms. We could just close the door, push a button and done.

What is a guilty pleasure song that you listen to but don't openly admit (until now)?

Anything by Milli Vanilli, but especially the song, “Blame it on the Rain” – that’s my favorite. The lip syncing scandal about the singers doesn’t bother me. They were victims of a greedy industry.

Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with?

Barack Obama. And I would ask him three questions: With all the obstruction, how did he keep smiling? What does he think about the US Supreme Count pick he made, that was taken away? How could we bring the country back together?

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!