friday takeout

March 13, 2020

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Northeast Iowa Community College is the first choice for thousands of students each year, to earn a transfer degree and continue their education, or to complete career and technical training and enter the workforce ... news

  • Last-Dollar Scholarship student recipient, Hanna Koloc, shares why this funding is making her education and Dental Assisting career goals possible ... video

  • Starting your own business? Check out the new Business and Community Solutions boot camp, "An Entrepreneurial Mindset for Small Business Owners." April Vaassen, Program Manager, shares key strengths of the program ... video

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

College Assessing COVID-19 Virus Developments and Impact on Operations

The health and safety of our students, employees and our visitors is our top priority.

Recently, the first cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Iowa, and the College is closely following developments. According to the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), no additional or special precautions are recommended for Iowans beyond the simple daily precautions to combat the flu including washing hands frequently, covering coughs and sneezes, and staying home when ill.

Northeast Iowa Community College is committed to keeping the campus community informed on updates to the COVID-19 virus and the impact on college operations. As cases of COVID-19 evolve, the College will continue to monitor developments and follow the recommendations provided by the Iowa Department of Public Health. The College campuses are open for regularly scheduled activities and events.

The senior leadership team is meeting every day to review the current situation, adjust the plan accordingly and provide any updates.

Rest assured, we are in contact with health officials and others in our industry and we continue to monitor the situation. NICC has plans in place in the event COVID-19 directly impacts our NICC community. We will follow the guidance of the Iowa Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other agencies.

At this time, there are no actions or changes suggested for our operations.

A website page has been devoted to provide updates and frequently asked questions (FAQ) and self-monitoring, at

If you receive an inquiry from a member of the media or a public official, direct them to the External Relations Office: Katie Wiedemann, ext. 2182 or Doug Ropa, ext. 2298.

If you answer a phone call or receive a question from the public, direct them to the website

What You Can Do

  • Stay Calm
  • Practice the same routine hygiene used to help prevent the cold and flu
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your upper arm/elbow
  • Clean your hands frequently with soap and water
  • Contain germs by staying home when ill

Stand and Be Counted: Census 2020!

Did you know major funding for State of Iowa projects and your community is largely determined by US Census data? If you want to ensure your community is thriving, be sure to stress the importance of being counted in the census to you staff, colleagues, friends and family. A list of Northeast Iowa Regional Contacts is available to answer your questions, as well as a tool kit.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Why Friday the 13th?

For centuries, the convergence of one day of the week, Friday, and the number 13 have become entrenched in the popular imagination as ill-fated, luckless and jinxed. There's even a scientific name coined by psychologists for those who suffer from a fear of the day - paraskevidekatriaphobes. To the superstitious, this Friday, March 13, calls for extra care. Be careful driving, watch for black cats crossing paths, go around ladders not underneath them and throwing a little salt over your shoulder for protection can't hurt.

Biblical scholars, historians, conspiracy theorists and armchair philosophers have all weighed in on the origins of Friday the 13th. Check out Bindu Rai's article on for his take on factors that may have perpetuated the myth of this particular day.

Enough with the evil portents! What GOOD things have occurred on Friday the 13th?

  • NASA announces evidence of water on the moon | November 2009
  • Nintendo releases Super Mario Bros. | September 1985
  • Black Sabbath releases their debut album and invents heavy metal | February 1970
  • President Lyndon B. Johnson signs executive order preventing gender discrimination in the government | October 1967
  • The HOLLYWOODLAND sign is born | July 1923
  • First dinosaur egg discovery | July 1923

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Anna Havlik

Cosmetology Instructor | Calmar Campus

What is your astrological sign and your birthday? Has anything unusual, funny, amazing or inspiring ever happened because of your astrological sign?

Aquarius, Feb. 10. I do love the water, everything about it. I think I could be one of Poseidon's daughters. Maybe I need to have a talk with my mom!

What is your favorite movie of all time? (in a particular genre, if it’s easier to answer. e.g., comedy, drama, horror, sci fi.)

Cocktail with Tom Cruise. It's the first movie my husband and I went to when we started dating. By the way, my husband dislikes Tom Cruise!

Name one country or region in the world you have never visited that you someday want to visit, serve or spend a vacation?

I would love to visit Greece. The water and the land look amazing.

If you could kill off any character from a current TV show, who would it be and why?

Well, I would kill off Shonda Rimes! She isn't a characterm but the writer for Grey's Anatomy and she just keeps killing off and writing off my favorite characters!

If you had one million dollars to build anything you wanted, what would you build and why?

I would start to build a performing arts hall in New Hampton, on the high school/middle school campus. The current auditorium is located in the downtown and older middle school location, and it's too small. So, since I will not have enough money, I'll be looking for more donors! Know anyone?

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!