friday takeout

November 22, 2019

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

Happy ThankSgiving to Everyone!

  • Northeast Iowa Community College, Hall of Fame inductees and guests celebrate at this year's Hall of Fame events ... Calmar and Peosta photos

  • Northeast Iowa Community College partners with Reel Core, of Waukon, to develop local workforce ... news

  • In Case You Missed It: Fall 2019 edition of Dr. Wee's e-newsletter, Visions, focuses on Future Ready Iowa Last Dollar Scholarship program ... link

  • NOTE TO OUR READERS: Some of the College's internal TV monitors are experiencing technical issues. CIS is aware and working to resolve the problems. We appreciate everyone's patience.

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Message from CIS: Phone System Update

The CIS department is in the finalization process for the new phone system. Once this process is complete, we will be able to make the switch over to the new phone system. Our tentative date to switch over to the new system is Dec. 4, after hours starting at 5 p.m. In the event the project does get postponed, our secondary date will be Jan. 7.

Prior to the switch, CIS staff will be delivering the new phones with login instructions to current users. In order to help facilitate this change, we are requesting that you plug in the new phone the night of the cutover; instructions will be provided for that process.

The CIS department will be offering one-hour, in-person training sessions explaining how to plug in your new phone, phone use basics and how to access your new voicemail. These sessions will also be going through the new software interface connected to your phone called MiCollab. All staff and faculty are highly encouraged to attend one of the following sessions:

  • Peosta 203: Nov. 25
    • 10:30 a.m.
    • Noon
    • 2 p.m.

  • Calmar, Wilder 102: Nov. 26
    • 10:30 a.m.
    • Noon
    • 2 p.m.

Each in-person training session will have a limit of 40 participants, make sure to register quickly to ensure your spot here.

If you are not able to attend any of these in-person training sessions, CIS will also be hosting a Zoom webinar on Nov. 25 at 3 p.m. This session will be recorded for viewing after the phone system has been deployed. You may join this webinar from your desk or any location by going to or using the Zoom Desktop/Mobile Application and entering in this Meeting ID: 928-843-7986.

It is essential for all staff, if time allows, to participate in at least one training session to ensure minimal disruption of phone services and to have a full understanding of the function of the new phones.

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

Congratulations and Welcome to Northeast Iowa Community College!

Sara Novotny is a new Agriculture Instructor at Calmar.

Michael Gomoll is a new Evening Success Coach at Peosta.

Rhonda Oakland is a new EMS Program Developer at Calmar.

Carl Strong is a new Bookstore Assistant at Calmar.

APPETIZER | a little something for your appetite.

Top 5 Digital Transformation Trends In Education For 2020

Daniel Newman, a principal analyst of Futurum Research and CEO of Broadsuite Media Group, researches, analyzes and provides the world’s best and brightest companies with insights on how digital transformation, disruption, innovation and the experience economy are changing how business is done. In an August 2019 article for Forbes, Newman shifted his technology focus to the education sector, and he makes five predictions about key areas where tech will influence how we will be learning and connecting through technology in the New Year: Customized Learning Experiences, Accessibility, Internet of Things (IoT), Security and Funding.

“The future of education is exciting and scary,” Newman writes. “Schools and education must evolve to embrace new learning styles and technologies that can captivate students, while concurrently maintaining integrity of the knowledge in areas like literature and history that help create well-rounded people.”

Read Newman’s “Top 5 Digital Transformation Trends In Education For 2020.”

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Jayne Curtis

Bookstore Assistant Manager | Peosta Campus

List off all of the job titles you have ever had, and which among these do you think was/is the most important?

Some of my past job titles include waitress, dishwasher, lead cook, deli server, bartender, student, mom, cashier, food service associate, personal business owner, retail department assistant manager, IT help desk, special needs paraprofessional and special needs school bus driver.

I have had many job titles in my past, but I think the most important one is mom. Having the job title of mom is an automatic commitment of 18+ years of mental and physical support, encouragement, frustration and other emotions. This job required me to teach my children to love, respect, be patient, take care of themselves and help others. This is a hard job because not only do I have to be a caregiver and teacher, but there are no instruction manuals for this job position. But it is also a very rewarding job: getting hugs and kisses from them when they are young and watching them grow into educated, mannered, hard-working young adults is a great reward.

What experience most prepared you for your current role at the College?

Going to college as a full-time student and working two part-time jobs at the same time. I know what some of these students are facing when trying to get homework done and still pay bills. It is very difficult deciding which direction to go when bills need to be paid, and yet you still need books for class. I truly understand the struggle.

What is the most important memory you have and why?

Memories of my Dad sitting down with us at nights and helping with our homework. Whether it was English, science or math, he had such an easy way of helping us understand our homework. During the holidays and after chores were done at the end of the night, he would sit down and play board games with us until midnight or later. We actually played Carrom Board until we wore the pattern off of the board. I think he enjoyed it as much as we kids did. The presents were nice, but the time spent playing board games and card games were the best.

Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with?

I think it would be Ellen DeGeneres because of her funny, easy-going attitude. She loves to play jokes on people, but always looks for the good in others. You don’t have to be rich to impress her; all you have to do is to be kind to others, and do the right thing for someone else who could use a little help.

What kind of songs get wedged in your head, like an "ear worm"?

I guess nursery rhymes like "Baby Shark." “Baby Shark, do do, do do do do, Baby Shark, do do, do do do do …” OH NO. Not again.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!