friday takeout

February 12, 2021

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Northeast Iowa Community College's partnership with Four Mounds allows students to earn a certificate or diploma in construction through hands-on learning while earning a paycheck! ... video

  • Success in Business Begins Here. Read more about the story of two of our business program graduates, Rylynn McQuillen and Abigail Handtke ... feature

  • FACULTY AND STAFF: Stay up-to-date on the College's Strategic Plan and Tracking document in NICC Shared Files!

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Writing Tips and Strategies for You, Part 2: Effective Email Communication

Editor's note: All during February, Friday Takeout will devote space to sharing writing tips and strategies for the College community. Whether it’s a simple email or a 25-page report, we can all benefit from a refresher. Today, we have a refresher on writing effective and accurate emails. Thank you to Jim Brimeyer, retired NICC Communications instructor, for sharing key points from the business writing course he teaches for Business and Community Solutions!

Let's Take our Time and Communicate Well in Email Communication ...

  • Many editing errors are caused by time pressures rather than lack of writing skill.

  • "E-mail is a communication challenge. Designing a good e-mail is even more difficult than designing a

good essay." - Trent Batson, Writing: It Ain’t the Same Anymore.

  • The web-based software Grammarly analyzed more than one billion words proofread by its writing app over the course of one month and found: we make an average of 13 mistakes per 100 words when writing email. Spelling mistakes count for more than half of them.

  • Focus on your readers. When we write to express, the focus is on our reader(s). When we write to impress, the focus is on the writer’s ego. Develop a journalistic/business writing style vs. an academic style.

  • The digital age values short words, sentences, paragraphs and documents that we can read with speed and instantly understand.

  • Write a short, attention grabbing subject headline. The subject line determines whether your email gets read because business people receive hundreds and thousands of e-mails in their inboxes.

  • Finally, remember that your writing is a reflection on you and Northeast Iowa Community College.

Please Re-record Your Standard Voicemail Greeting

If you have a college phone extension, chances are you've had to change your voicemail greeting several times over the past year. Per the direction of the External Relations Office, now is the time to make sure your voicemail greeting is up-to-date.

Please change your greeting back to your standard, pre-COVID-19 greeting. Make sure your voicemail greeting doesn't say you are working remotely or that the College is closed.

Directions for how to change your voicemail greeting:

Off campus voicemail access

Youtube Video

Written instructions for video

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Improvements to the Amount of Paper we Use in our Work: Papercut Company Statistics

Since its implementation in 2019, our printing service Papercut and its paper-usage reporting capability has indicated a steady decrease in the amount of paper we use as a College annually. Although COVID obviously limited the numbers of sheets printed or copied every day, the stats are a good reminder that faculty and staff members can do their work without the need to print as many materials.

he swipe to release feature implemented in January 2019 has also lessened the environmental impact of unreleased jobs - things we would have printed, but were not needed and released by the user. These unreleased projects accounted for 13,387 jobs and 57,845 total sheets of paper. This amount translated into 6.94 trees spared, 734.6 kg CO2 saved and 45,996.4 hours equivalent bulb hours.

2019 Calendar Year Report
(Jan. 1, 2019 – Dec. 31, 2019)

  • Days in period: 365

  • Active Users: 728

  • Active Printers: 193

  • Total Printed Pages: 3,052,802*

  • Total Printed Sheets: 1,893,214*

  • Total Jobs: 305,006

  • Pages per day: 8,363

  • Sheets per day: 5,186

Environmental Impact

Trees Consumed 227.19 trees

CO2 Produced 24,043.8 kg

Equivalent Bulb Hours 1,505,420.7 hours

2020 Calendar Year Report

(Jan. 1, 2020 – Dec. 31, 2020)

  • Days in period: 366

  • Active Users: 736

  • Active Printers: 152

  • Total Printed Pages: 1,570,429*

  • Total Printed Sheets: 947,937*

  • Total Jobs: 134,915

  • Pages per day: 4,290

  • Sheets per day: 2,589

Environmental Impact

Trees Consumed 113.75 trees

CO2 Produced 12,038.8 kg

Equivalent Bulb Hours 753,767.9 hours

* In the data reported, you’ll see the "Page" count listed. Generally, this refers to one side of a sheet of paper printed. So for a three-page color PDF document, it will report as three color pages. If you’re printing duplex, it will show as three color pages or two duplex pages (it took two duplex sheets of paper to print the job; two pages on one sheet of paper and one page on the other sheet).

FY21 to Date Report (July 1, 2020 – Feb. 1, 2021)

  • Days in period: 219

  • Active Users: 472

  • Active Printers: 120

  • Total Printed Pages: 941,258*

  • Total Printed Sheets: 560,734*

  • Total Jobs: 71,930

  • Pages per day: 4,297

  • Sheets per day: 2,560

Environmental Impact

Trees Consumed 67.29 trees

CO2 Produced 7,121.3 kg

Equivalent Bulb Hours 445,877 hours

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Self-Care Tips and Inspiration

by Flannery Cerbin-Bohach, Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager

Self-Care Tip of the Week:

Yes, this is a cold spell, but try to get a little outdoor time every day. A lack of sunlight can negatively affect mood and even just a 10-15 minute walk (bundled up in layers of course) can help lift the spirits. Consider looking into a light box if you’re in a real slump.

Inspiration of the Week:

Launch of the Wellness Podcast! Welcome to the new wellness podcast featuring members of our community who share their stories about how they stay well - body, mind, spirit. Each month will feature a new podcast.

Use the Campfire Podcast to listen. You should be able to open and listen to the file in iTunes, Quicktime, Windows Media Player.

Episode #1: Listen in to a chat with Northeast Iowa Community College Director of Recruitment, Erin Powers-Daley. Erin shares the serendipitous career path that led her to NICC. You’ll find out how she wrote her Ph.D. dissertation while literally running. Plus, discover what kept Erin motivated to run a full marathon on a treadmill!

Recipe of the Week:

A tasty (and easy) spin on chicken wings. We made these on Sunday … believe it or not completely unplanned, despite Super Bowl Sunday!

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Eric Albjerg

Humanities Instructor | Calmar Campus

When you were growing up, what game or activity did you absolutely dread playing, and why?

I always dreaded playing baseball because of the pressure of having all eyes on you when you’re at bat (or even worse, trying to catch a fly ball).

What is the age in your life that stands out as the most memorable, and why?

My time as an undergrad at Luther College stands out as the most memorable time in my life. During these years I met a lot of lifelong friends (including my wife!) and also found my vocation as an historian and teacher.

If you could start all over again, what would be your career choice?

I love my career choice, but if I had to shift careers I would like to be an archaeologist.

Is there a book you’ve read that you love so much you’ve read it twice, or even multiple times?

I read J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings series every year, usually during the Christmas season.

Name one country or region in the world you have never visited that you someday want to visit, serve or spend a vacation?

Because of my interest in history and archaeology, I would love to visit Egypt. I’d particularly like to see the ancient temples at Karnak and Abydos. My ultimate dream would be to participate in an archaeological project at an Old Kingdom site.

What is something you just realized that you are embarrassed you didn’t realize earlier?

I only recently saw the movie Fight Club, and I thought it was going to just be about an actual fight club.

If you could be an Olympic athlete, in what sport would you compete?

I ran distance track in high school, so I’d probably compete in the 800-meter race as it was my best event. Though, as a kid who grew up in the 90s with the Cool Runnings movie I’d love to be part of a bobsled team.

If you could choose one cartoon character to be your best friend, what character would you choose?

I would choose to be friends with Hank Hill from King of the Hill. He seems like a mix of a few important people in my life, and I’m sure he could teach me a lot of practical skills.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!