friday takeout

January 24, 2020

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • New partnership between Clarke University and Northeast Iowa Community College creates an innovative dual enrollment structure ... news and video

  • Human trafficking abolitionist and rock musician, David Zach, to host presentations at Calmar and Peosta ... news

  • NECAS and College offering ATV/UTV safety education courses this spring, in preparation for new county ordinance ... news

  • The renovation concepts video, shown at our Spring Workshop Days, is available on our website! The video illustrates exterior concepts designed for the Main Building at Peosta ... link

We welcome your input!

Do you have ideas for ways to grow enrollment and/or improve the College? Team Gold (Katie Wiedemann, Katie Burrichter, Shea Herbst, Erin Powers-Daley, Jen Rupp and Kristi Strief) wants to hear about it. Please share your ideas through this quick survey.

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Encourage Students to Attend! Medical Assistant Open House on Feb. 5 at Peosta

Do you know students, friends and neighbors who want a new career in healthcare? Encourage them to attend the Medical Assistant Open House on Wednesday, Feb. 5, at Peosta. Prospective students can explore the Medical Assistant program and learn about career options, tour labs and meet with employer sponsors ready to hire our graduates. The five-year job placement rate for program graduates is 92.19%!

Students can also learn how they could qualify for a full-tuition scholarship - from Medical Associates Clinic & Health Plans or the Grand River Medical Group. Interested students should RSVP for the event on our website.

Get Involved this Winter: American Heart Association Fundraising and Events at Peosta

NICC National Wear Red Day | Feb. 6

A donation of $1 to the American Heart Association, jar by the switchboard, we welcome you to wear jeans and red.

Donation Jar in the Café | Feb. 1 - March 31

Don't like loose change? Consider donating it to the American Heart Association by dropping the change in the jar at the registers in the Cafe.

Paper Heart Sales | On Sale Now.

The NICC Heart Walk Team will have Paper Hearts for sale. $1 for a red heart, $5 for a silver heart and $10 for a gold heart. The Paper Hearts will be on display in the Cafe. Reach out to a team member to get your Paper Hearts: Jennifer Anglin, Katie Koch, Gina Ellerbach-Tone and Laura Menke.

100 Reasons to Give | Now until all envelopes are gone!

See the display outside the Administrative Office.

Trivia Night | April 2

Mark your Calendars! Doors open at 5:30 p.m, event begins at 6 p.m. (Sign-up email on the way!)

NICC Heart Walk T-Shirts

Show your support! Purchase an NICC Heart Walk T-Shirt and Donate to NICC Heart Walk Team!

More information to come about the events. All Calmar campus and center staff and faculty are welcome to participate! Please contact Gina Ellerbach-Tone, Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Allied Health and Human Services, with questions at ext. 2154.

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Join your Colleagues for Winter Wellness Reads!

This January a group of us on campus embarked on a wellness-themed book club. Even if you didn’t sign up to read the books, you’re welcome to sit in on our discussion over the noon hour on Jan. 30. If interested, contact me and I’ll share the details. Here’s my personal summary of our two reads because there’s still time this winter if you want to cozy up with a copy!

The Blue Zones - Nine Lessons for Living

Longer from the People Who’ve Lived the Longest

by Dan Buttener

This is a fascinating ethnography of sorts about centenarians (people 100 years or older). Throughout his years of research, Buttener has traveled to areas of the globe that have statistically higher numbers of centenarians (e.g., Italian island of Sardinia, Okinawa, Japan, Loma Linda, California, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica and Ikaria, an isolated Greek island). Buttner distills his findings down into the “Power 9,” which are practices or ideals that centenarians tend to share in common; they move naturally, find purpose, plant slant and even enjoy wine at 5 p.m. This book sheds light onto practices for increasing longevity, but also how to have more vigor, pep and enjoyment in life.

This book is full of colorful portrayals of some witty and quirky centenarians! How can you not smile reading about the 100-year-old woman who still drives her own car, works and has a daily exercise regime, including weight lifting and riding on a stationary bike at 25-30 mph? There’s no magic bullet for defying the aging process, but this book illuminates some tips to get the most out of your years. It’s worth the read and exploring some Blue Zone recipes!

The Happiness Project - Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning,

Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun

by Gretchen Rubin

Despite being labeled as the “queen of self-help memoir,” Rubin hopes to be seen as self-helpful. Her book, The Happiness Project, outlines 12 calendar months when Rubin deeply explores the question, “what do I want from life anyways?” She prioritizes or reprioritizes her goals throughout the year. Her focuses include Boosting Energy, Aim Higher, Make Time for Friends and Pay Attention will likely resonate with the majority of readers.

Readers watch a personal transformation in Rubin as the book (year) unfolds, while also feeling the nudge to make our own Happiness Project. Rubin, who stepped away from a degree in law to become a writer, has definitely transferred her perfectionist attitude and ambition to the page. This book has no shortage of ideas and inspiration to get you to a place of happiness and contentment in life.

Hope you can join us on Jan. 30!

Be well,


JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

Congratulations and Welcome to Northeast Iowa Community College!

Emily Nicholls is a new Child Care Associate at Calmar.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Partner with the College on Summer Term Recruitment!

A College initiative started last summer to offer a reduced tuition rate to high school students is approved to continue for summer 2020. Current freshmen, sophomores and juniors may enroll in summer 2020 coursework at 80 percent of the full tuition rate and no student fees (section/technology fees, such as a lab course, would still be applied).

Typically at $198 per credit for resident tuition and fees, high school students would pay $139.20 per credit if they are in-state residents and $158.40 per credit if out-of-state/non-residents. This reduced tuition rate is effective for the summer 2020 semester only. Any high school student who has already registered will be granted the reduced rate automatically.

This is a wonderful opportunity for high school students. Faculty and staff, help spread the word! The summer term courses transfer, and are offered online and close to home. Students can get general eds or a lab out of the way during their summer break --

astronomy, history and American film, chemistry, public speaking, physics and much more.

The promotion plan and communication strategy, developed by Marketing, Recruitment, Admissions and External Relations, has started and will continue through May.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Alex Goerdt

Programming Specialist | Peosta Campus

What is your astrological sign and your birthday? Has anything unusual, funny, amazing or inspiring ever happened because of your astrological sign?

I guess I am a Taurus in Western astrology. And it was recently brought to my attention that based on my birth time and date, I have good fortunes. This person said I am really lucky and that I should buy a lottery ticket on Dec. 26. Chances are, if you are reading this in January, I am already sitting beachside with a cocktail in hand wishing you all a great semester!

If you could start all over again, what would be your career choice?

It's cliche, but I told my mom in 4th grade (who was also my teacher at the time) that I never wanted to be a teacher. I am doing what I love, so it's hard to imagine doing something different. To answer your question, though: a professional golfer!

Name one country or region in the world you have never visited that you someday want to visit, serve or spend a vacation?

We love to travel. I have mostly been to North and South America, so going down under to Australia or Bali are both on my short list.

What kid’s movie has completely scarred you for life?

Tie: Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland.

If you could morph two animals to make one super animal what would you choose?

I don't know, but definitely NOT flying monkeys.

If you could create a holiday, what would be called and how would we celebrate it?

Midlife Crisis. Although, I'm not there yet. It's like your birthday, but you pick the date. Your friends/family would still buy you gifts, but you would get a Corvette or a tattoo/haircut, or auction everything you accumulated over your life that you no longer need.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!