friday takeout

August 23, 2019

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Opportunity Dubuque no-cost childcare expands to more in-demand career training programs at the College ... news

  • Allamakee Community School District, Allamakee County Economic Development and College celebrated official opening of Regional Welding Lab this week! … Waukon Standard news

  • College hosting "Real Solutions to Workforce Challenges" manufacturing conference on Sept. 11 ... news

  • Meet our Fall 2019 Alumni Shining Star: Katie Harris, Nursing '03 ... feature

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

August 2019 Conversation Corner: New Strategic Plan and Summer Camps Wrap-Up!

The new Vision 20/20 Strategic Plan shared with all employees at Fall Convocation is available. Thank you to everyone who provided their input into this plan for the College!

Northeast Iowa Communty College summer camps, offered to students from elementary school through high school, are both fun for the young people in our communities and enhance awareness of the College's facilities and programs district-wide. Through these activities, we are able to promote concurrent enrollment classes as these students enter high school. This year was another successful year with a total of 736 students attending camps at various locations throughout the district. This number is up from last year by 103 students.

Individual Summer Camps Update Report

Dr. Wendy Mihm-Herold, Vice President of Business & Community Solutions.

Thursday, Sept. 5 | 5 - 8 p.m.

Colleagues, bring the whole family to a night of fun at the Calmar campus! Enjoy food, entertainment, inflatables, rides and carnival games for kids of all ages. Entertainment provided by Wacky Chad, stunt comedian featured on America's Got Talent. It's the kick-off to fall you don't want to miss!

PIES and BARS | sweet data.

Community College Survey of Student Engagement Results Are In!

Highlights of the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), administered in spring 2019, show huge gains compared to benchmarks from the 2017 survey year. Marked gains were made in all benchmark categories compared with the 2017 survey results. Perhaps the most striking evidence of improvement is shown in the reduced benchmark performance gap for Academic Challenge. A significantly higher percentage of students reported that their coursework emphasized applying theories or concepts to practical problems or in new situations; analyzing the basic elements of an idea, experience or theory; and making judgments about the value or soundness of information, arguments or methods. An inspiring 96 percent of NICC respondents said they would recommend the College to a friend or family member. This is great cause for celebration!

A word of thanks to faculty and staff whose investment of time and support made administering this survey possible. In addition to the highlights document, a general overview of the survey that includes details about respondents, has been posted to Shared Files > Institutional Effectiveness > Institutional Research > CCSSE.

The complete set of student responses referred to as the "Frequency Distribution" is also available in that location. The results may also be shared with students to raise awareness and to express gratitude for their participation. Please address any questions to Lor Miller at Calmar, ext. 203.

WELLNESS 360 and GREEN CORNER | be well.

Welcome Back to Campus!

I hope your summer has been rejuvenating, fun and maybe productive? There’s some fun stuff brewing for the Wellness program this Fall. You can find it all on the one-stop-shop … the new Wellness Google Site. This houses registration forms, calendar of events, resources, etc. Save this page to your favorites right now!

Save the dates for the NICC Blood Draw and Flu Shots

Sept. 24, 26, 30 and Oct. 2 | Calmar Campus

Oct. 1 - 2 | Peosta Campus

Oct. 9 | Town Clock Business Center, Dubuque

More details to come! Look for week of Aug. 26 email.

Wellness Calendar

Submit up to two original photos to be entered into a college-wide calendar contest. Voting will be held in September and calendars will be produced this Fall and for sale, with proceeds supporting the Student Crisis Fund. We are seeking photos of landscapes, close ups, etc. in any season. Although they make beautiful subjects, please don't include people in your photos.

Submit your photos here by Monday, Sept. 9.

Wellness Challenge

Want some accountability? Want to get motivated or have an opportunity to focus on something good for you!? Join us for the next Wellness Challenge! This seven-week challenge runs Monday, Sept. 16 to Sunday, Nov. 3. All tracking is done online, so any College employee is welcome to join in! Teams should consist of three to five people. Get more details and to sign up your team! Don’t have a team? No biggie! Complete this form!

Enjoy your semester and be well,

Flannery Cerbin-Bohach

Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager

APPETIZER | a little something for your appetite.

Create Pollinator Habitats in Your Own Backyard Garden!

(Editor's note: Trees Forever, a non-profit publication devoted to forests, prairie restoration and conservation, emphasized the importance of establishing habitats for pollinators in its August issue. It's not too late to plan ahead! Some local nurseries and commercial greenhouses sell bare root Iowa prairie species that can be planted in October.)

Picture this: Standing in your backyard admiring your landscaping and being surrounded by the buzz of bees, the hum of hummingbirds and watching the color of butterflies bounce from one flower to the next. This scene, although beautiful, is becoming rare. I can remember as a child being told to drag my feet when walking across fields of white clover to avoid accidentally stepping on a bee and getting stung. These days I don’t even blink when walking around barefoot because bees are few and far between. Why are our pollinators disappearing? What can we do to bring them back so that scenes like the one described above can continue to be experienced? Read more.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Jessica Reis

Cresco Center Director

Which of the following aspects of your upbringing most contributed in shaping the person you came to be and why/how? (e.g., geography, physical environment (farm, city, housing), community, socio-economic status, religion, or individuals most responsible for your care.)

I am the oldest child of two children, so I have an overwhelming sense of responsibility to ensure the desired outcomes of whatever I commit to actually happen. I've told my parents many times over the years it's both a blessing and a curse. But, as I've gotten older and gained more experience, I've learned (yes, the hard way) that to fully harness the power that comes with the sense of responsibility, I have to be selective about where I spend my energy.

I also grew up on a farm; I definitely credit my work ethic to that upbringing. As I'm sure many in our area can relate to, chores have to be done every day, 365 days a year. Growing up on Christmas morning we had to do chores before opening any gifts from under the tree, and now we do the same with our girls.

Which of the six College values do you most identify with and why?

Service. I was raised with a "pay-it-forward" mentality and I don't think my mom has ever met a stranger. I have been blessed with many people in my life that have helped me get to where I am today, and often the most precious gift they gave me was their time. I may not be able to repay each individual for what they did for me, but I can honor their gifts and sacrifices by paying it forward and serving others.

What is a guilty pleasure song that you listen to but don't openly admit (until now)?

“Danger Zone.” Really, anything Kenny Loggins. Not only do I love the movies that made a lot of his songs popular, but I am instantly transported to another place/time when I hear that music.

What was your favorite cartoon/comic/book growing up?

“Anne of Green Gables.” I still have a crush on Gilbert Blythe. In all seriousness, I admire how Anne wants to change the world, and even though she loves drama, her imagination and perseverance allow her to do just that. It's a reminder we can accomplish many things with hard work and a lot of heart.

If you had to choose one thing you were most passionate about, what would it be and why?

Learning. This isn't just lip service because I am a new employee at an educational institution. I really am passionate about learning - I love to read, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, travel - and all of those experiences teach me new things. When I happen upon a really good story, a new leadership technique, or simply a tool that makes being a working parent easier, I tend to share so others can benefit from that learning as well. I hope to never stop learning.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!