friday takeout

September 13, 2019

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Opportunity Dubuque graduate, Sonny Thornton, gains Welding - GMAW certification, enhances his skills and secures solid career future with John Deere ... news

  • One year later: KCRG-TV broadcast reports on the College's progress and construction timeline after $39M bond levy passage in September 2018 ... link

  • Miranda Barnhart is a "full circle" success story of the Career Learning Link program through the College ... video

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Dr. Wee will be participating on a panel of Dubuque education leaders as part of the Dubuque Chamber of Commerce State of Education event on Thursday, Sept. 19. The forum will held at Hotel Julien in Dubuque as part of the Chamber's monthly membership luncheon.

Joining Dr. Wee as panelists will be: Dr. Jeff Bullock, University of Dubuque president; Dr. Jim Collins, Loras College president; Dr. Thom Chesney, Clarke University president; Phillip Bormann, Holy Family Catholic Schools chief administrator; Stan Rheingans, Dubuque Community School District superintendent; Rev. Louise Johnson, Wartburg Theological Seminary president; and Phil Boom, Emmaus Bible College president.

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

What is the Ragnar Relay?

There are six College employees (Sara Franzen, Erin Powers Daley, Randi Burns, Brent Beyer, Jake Krapfl and myself) headed to the woods of northern Wisconsin Sept. 20 - 21 to participate in an overnight, multi-day running relay race, called Ragnar Nine Mile Trail. Each of us will have 15 miles to run, broken into three loops of varying distances, elevation and terrain. You can learn more about our team, see a video and read our bios on our Google Site!

So, why are you voluntarily running in the woods at night?

We're running this relay to raise awareness for the NICC Student Crisis Fund. Every year the Student Crisis Fund plays a vital role in financially assisting students who have unexpected expenses, to stay at the College. Last year the fund helped 78 students, and 90 percent of them were retained. Examples of financial assistance include: rent, utilities, food, transportation and car repairs. Plus, running in the woods sounds like a lot of fun!

Support us and the cause! Here's how:

  • Purchase a ticket for any amount ($1, $5, $50, etc.) and place in the bucket(s) of the runner(s) you want to cheer on. The runner with the most money raised will have to [drum roll, please ... ] do a 30-second interpretative dance at the Student Crisis Fundraiser wearing running attire and a tutu. Who doesn't want to see Jake or Brent dancing in a tutu!?

  • Tickets are available with Cam and Teresa in the Student Center, Mary and Angel in Wilder, Gail in Max Clark, Eileen and Kristi in the Industrial Technology building or Kristi at the Dairy Center. If you're located at a center, or Peosta or elsewhere, get in touch with me and I'll coordinate!

  • If you'd rather just donate, awesome. We have a Go Fund Me set up and you're welcome to donate via this method. We really, really, really hope to raise $2,000 with our fundraising efforts!

  • Does this crazy relay sound like fun? We technically have room for another team member. We'd LOVE to be a complete team! Contact me if you're at all interested and I'll share details.

Thank you in advance for your generosity and willingness to make an impact on OUR community!

Flannery & the Crew (we're calling ourselves the NICC Edumactors - Ed-You-Mah-Kate-Ors)

Be well,

Flannery Cerbin-Bohach

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Swiss Artist Creates Forest in Football Stadium to Draw Attention to Climate Change and Deforestation

Swiss artist Klaus Littmann has created a truly unique installation to draw attention to climate change and deforestation: he planted a 300-tree forest in the middle of a football stadium in Austria. Littman's installation, For Forest - The Unending Attraction of Nature, launched on Sept. 8 at Worthersee Football Stadium in Klagenfurt. The tree species planted include alder, aspen, white willow, hornbeam, field maple and common oak.

In a CNN Travel article about the artwork, Tamara Hardingham-Gill writes, "The juxtaposition of the imposing trees sprouting up alongside the stadium's spectator seats, concrete ground and floodlights is a powerful sight. According to Littmann, the aim is to 'challenge our perception of nature and question its future' and symbolizes the notion that nature 'may someday only be found in specially designated spaces.'"

It is Austria's largest public art installation to date, and is open through Oct. 27. Billed as a "temporary art intervention," the forest will be replanted in a public area close to the stadium to serve as a living sculpture.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Cameron Vinsand

Assistant Director of Student Life, Diversity and Leadership | Calmar Campus

Which of the following aspects of your upbringing most contributed in shaping the person you came to be and why/how? (e.g., geography, physical environment (farm, city, housing), community, socio-economic status, religion, or individuals most responsible for your care.)

My parents contributed mostly in shaping me into the person I am today! They led me in the right direction when it came to my faith in Jesus Christ, my work ethic and my motivation and drive to be the best person I can be! They taught me that if I work hard, I could achieve anything I wanted to in life, especially in this amazing country. They taught me to respect everyone, despite what they believed and to stand up for what I believe in. There is no way I would be where I am today without my faith leading me today.

What do you most want to accomplish at Northeast Iowa Community College?

I like to be an atmosphere changer. Not that I want people to notice me, but I desire for people to have a great time at whatever event we’re hosting. I have been determined since Day One to improve Student Life in Calmar as much as I can. Hopefully, as the year goes on, faculty and staff will see students getting involved so much more in academic and co-curricular activities than ever before. I desire to not be the “new Troy,” but to make my own name with a real difference.

Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with?

Billy Graham would have definitely been someone I would have like to have been around! His faith and effect on people were like none other in the current era. He was captivating and cared about every person he came in contact with, and that is what I want my life to be remembered for. How he lived life challenges me in how I live my life every day.

What was your favorite cartoon/comic/book growing up?

This one is easy! "Spongebob Squarepants" was, and still is, my favorite kids’ show. I think it’s one of the most brilliant kids’ shows ever made, especially with how dumb the humor is. If I ever want to laugh, I turn Spongebob Squarepants on. I know just about every line from the first couple seasons of that show (I know it’s embarrassing, but oh well!)

What is a guilty pleasure song that you listen to but don't openly admit (until now)?

This is a tough one. I would say “Yeah” by Usher. Any time I hear that song, I go crazy. If you have not heard it, you should! I guarantee it will get you out of your seat and dancing. Make sure you have the bass on your device or stereo turned up too!

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!