friday takeout

April 2, 2020

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Helpline expanded to provide guidance for ALL businesses applying for funding assistance during COVID-19 emergency ... news

  • Northeast Iowa Community College graduate, Ben Koch, advances his career through industrial maintenance training ... news

  • Tanner Lane, a CNC student at the College’s Peosta campus, received $9,000 in Last-Dollar Scholarship funding to support his training for an in-demand occupation in northeast Iowa ... video

Friday Takeout takes a spring break next week for the holiday. The next issue will be published on April 17.

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

The Media Process

As a public institution Northeast Iowa Community College is expected to respond to any and all media requests for information within a reasonable timeframe.

ALL College employees must have approval through the External Relations Office (Katie Wiedemann ext. 2182 or Doug Ropa ext. 2298) prior to releasing information or participating in an interview with members of the local, regional, state or national level media including radio, websites, newspapers, or television.

When a College employee receives a media inquiry for comment, data or information, the employee should immediately notify the External Relations Office. The employee should inform the inquiring media that a representative from the College will follow-up with them as soon as possible. The External Relations Office will then determine who is the appropriate employee to share information or comment on the topic in question.

When employees interact with the media, employees should keep in mind their words and behavior are a direct reflection of the College.

External Relations Office

Katie Wiedemann and Doug Ropa

Marketing and Branding Guidelines

Northeast Iowa Community College is a diverse, multifaceted institution with countless elements that together make up a single College that impacts the lives of the many people and communities that it serves.

Having many moving parts requires coordination to move in the same direction, to continuously move forward and improve; we must be strategic in our efforts as a College. This is why the Northeast Iowa Community College brand is important.

A brand is more than a logo. It is the voice we use to tell our story. It is the experience students, partners and communities have with the College. Our brand guidelines are the tools we use to create those stories and reinforce those experiences; they are the guidelines we use to look, speak and be Northeast Iowa Community College.

We all play a role in strengthening our brand. You can help by incorporating these guidelines into the communication materials you create. The tools are flexible, to help create a full range of communications for specific audiences, while still allowing our shared strengths and goals to shine.

Through consistent use, these guidelines will amplify the impact of our brand in an increasingly competitive academic marketplace. Check out our Graphic Branding Standards PDF.

Marketing Office

Shea Herbst, Katie Burrichter, Kate Feuerhelm, Ashley Konzen and Mike White

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Life Hacks

Note: A new, monthly “Life Hacks” feature will rotate in the traditional Appetizer section of Friday Takeout. You may have heard of life hacks on the internet, in news and social media. A life hack (or life hacking) is any trick, shortcut, skill or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life. All Friday Takeout readers are welcome to submit their life hack idea, and any images or photos to accompany it, to!

Our debut contributor is Katie Burrichter, Associate Director of Marketing. Enjoy!

Lacing Patterns to Fix Foot Pain

Who knew you didn't have to lace your shoes according to how they came out of the box?! These really helped my running game.

Use Earplugs to Replace Lost Headphone Buds

Using earplugs will cancel out noise better and can be more comfortable than stock buds. Take a pair of earplugs and cut them in half. Length varies according to the size of your earphones. Discard the tips and keep the bases. Then poke a hole in the center with a sharp object (like a nail) and wiggle it around to create a hole. Stretch the earplug over the bare earphone - this could take several tries to get it right. Then - tada! You've got a more comfortable set of earphones that won't fall out while exercising.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Leo Avila

Industrial Maintenance Instructor | Peosta Campus

When you retire, and assuming you have enough money to do so, what is one cause you would give to because you are passionate about its mission and purpose?

Part of my mission in life is to help others. As soon as I can my plan is to volunteer fabricating and designing prosthetics for children and war survivors using my knowledge on the latest technology.

If you could create a holiday, what would be called and how would we celebrate it?

The First of February – The day of the suffocated souls. We would commemorate the time when wealth was more important than health, and how this drove the planet to a pandemic.

Who is your favorite comedian?

There is a list, but two of them I enjoy the most are Kevin Hart and Dave Chappelle. These two gents offer a totally different point of view to the same topics of life.

Name one country or region in the world you have never visited that you someday want to visit, serve or spend a vacation?

I would love to go to Norway; I think they have some interesting landscape culture and architecture.

What is your favorite movie of all time? (in a particular genre, if it’s easier to answer. e.g., comedy, drama, horror, sci fi.)

This is a very tough question to answer because there are so many to choose from! I spent quite some time reflecting on this question, and the one movie that shines in my memory is called KARAKTER, a Dutch-Belgian movie. It has some parallels with my life, by telling the story of a self-made man who worked his way out of poverty in the Netherlands in the 1920s.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!