friday takeout

July 16, 2021

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • A KCRG-TV story during its morning news show this week may be the most comprehensive coverage the College has ever seen in the media about the state's successful 260E Industrial New Iowa Jobs Program! Check it out ... link

  • CORRECTION: The July 2 issue of Friday Takeout shared an incorrect link to the Cresco Center Be Your Own Boss Camp news coverage. Correct link ... Cresco Times Plain Dealer

  • Iowa Department of Education publishes article in its legislative newsletter about the College's successful Earn and Learn programming. Story highlights successful graduate Jeremy Adams ... link

  • FACULTY AND STAFF: Stay up-to-date on the College's Strategic Plan and Tracking document in NICC Shared Files!

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

UPDATE: Marketing Project Request and Print Center Request Forms

Please note that a few of the marketing forms have recently been updated and if you have them bookmarked you will need to update your links.

The biggest update is that our Project Request & Print Request forms were streamlined to one form for each. You will find the links to the new forms below including a description of what they are used for. If you have any questions please feel free to contact and we will get back to you.

Great Fun at the Delaware County Fair Parade!

Thank you to all College staff, faculty and community friends for your enthusiastic participation in the Delaware County Fair last Monday night, July 12!

Pictured in photo: back row, left to right: Kylie Lemke and Tegyn Sanderman; front row: Kurt Rahe, Holly Rahe, Dawn Sanderman, Susan Brown, Cindy Virta, Dr. Wee, Mike Gau and Pat Osterhaus.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Record Number of High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) Graduates this Year!

The College held High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) commencement ceremonies this week at the Wilder Business Center at Calmar on Tuesday, July 13, and the Town Clock Business Center in Dubuque on Wednesday, July 14 (pictured). The ceremonies honored and celebrated the academic achievements of all 2020 and 2021 graduates. And we had a record number of graduates this week, even during a very challenging COVID-19 pandemic year!

District-wide, there were 94 total graduates; 21 in the north district area and 73 in the south district area. This is the highest number of HSED graduates in one academic year since the College’s transition to the HiSET testing exam in 2014. Since the implementation of HiSET, 401 individuals have earned an HSED.

Many HSED students and graduates depended upon Zoom instruction and tutoring to prepare for the exam, and our faculty and staff worked long hours to make this success possible.

Thank you to everyone for your commitment to our students!

  • Gisella Aitken-Shadle, Director of Adult Education and Literacy.

  • Instructors: Lisa Fiorucci, Maya Danner, Nicholas Blakesley, Katie Baumhover, Sarah Beaman, Katie Valenti and Jodie Hanna, Administrative Assistant.

  • Testing Technicians: Russ Bahl and Joanna Horstman.

  • Program Support: Sue Stork, Dubuque Center Director; Success Coaches Josh Shimak, Shara Sparrgrove and Will Hudson; Mike Smith and Carlos Pittman, Re-engage Dubuque; Mike Gomol, Success Coach/Evening Supervisor at the Dubuque Center.

  • Graduation Ceremony Assistance: Tara Cooley, Geri Elsbernd, Germaine Kuhn, Angel Snyder, Mary Hageman and Sheila Blatz.


Kara and Nick, our Green Iowa AmeriCorps Sustainability Coordinators, will be bringing us regular facts and tips to green your life and make it more sustainable.

#PlasticFreeJuly. We invite you to take the Plastic Free July challenge and gain independence from single-use plastics. Plastic Free July is a worldwide movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner roads, water and beautiful communities. Though it may seem daunting, every little bit you can do helps. Whether it be saying no to a plastic straw, using your own shopping bags or bringing your own reusable coffee mug, it all counts! Learn more and find inspiration here.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Mike Gau

Associate Dean of Liberal Arts, Sciences and Business | Peosta Campus

What is the age in your life that stands out as the most memorable, and why?

As strange as this may sound, the age that stands out the most is when I was 14. It was my 8th grade year, playing sports all the time, no responsibilities yet, pretty much had the school thing down and my siblings were old enough to leave me alone! That year will always be special, and I remember the feeling of freedom and independence so vividly.

During your career at Northeast Iowa Community College, what is the nicest thing that ever happened to you, or someone did for you?

When I made the decision to leave NICC in 2014, my good friend Paul Kimball bought me a New England Patriot jersey as a going-away gift. While the jersey was great, the thought of Paul thinking enough of me to know my favorite team, search for the jersey, spend money on it and then present it as a gift was so meaningful. He’s so smart, talented and busy, yet he took time to search and find a gift for me that he knew I’d love — special. I’ve never told him that — so there you go Paul!

If you could start all over again, what would be your career choice?

I’d get into higher education sooner. I love the business of higher education — the opportunity for creativity, the challenges and the importance of higher education. I practiced law for about 20 years, and it helped me with perspective and how much I love higher education. In that way, maybe the path I took was the best, but I would get my Ph.D. and make something of myself in life!

If you could be an Olympic athlete, in what sport would you compete?

Swimming. I can’t swim a lick and need a lifeguard in the tub, but I would love to be an Olympic swimmer. It is a sport for life, and my clothes would fit better! What a great sport — speed, stamina, strength and you can swim individually or for a team. I’m not wild about the Speedo or the nose clip thing, but how cool to be swimming at the Olympics.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!