friday takeout

January 11, 2019

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

College names Lisa Sahm, Administrative Office Management graduate (pictured at right), an Alumni Shining Star! ... feature

Design Mill Inc., Dubuque, develops a new self-propelled sprayer virtual reality (VR) driving simulator for agricultural safety, in partnership with NECAS ... news

Nathan Greiner, Design Mill president, discusses product development and partnership ... video

NICC Diversity Council hosting True Black History Museum traveling exhibit, following Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day, on Jan. 22 - 23 ... news

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Thank you to Everyone for your Input: New College Mission, Vision and Values, Strategic Priorities 2018-2019 Document Available

Thank you to all faculty and staff members who provided input on the direction of the College's new Mission and Vision statements, and our Values, after viewing Dr. Wee's interactive video last fall! Marketing has created an updated document with this new information for your use.

Google Drive file path to access the College StrategicPriorities1819.pdf document shown below:

WELLNESS 360 and GREEN CORNER | be well.

Hello and Happy 2019!

I hope you are well and excited for the year! There are some fresh ideas in store for wellness programming, and a continuation of some of the old goodies. Here’s a summary of what’s on tap:

Wellness Lunch & Learn Series: I’m always looking for topic suggestions and/or guest presenters. The upcoming topics will be Safe Space Training (January), Self Defense (February), Plant an Herb (March), with more to come in April and May! Bring your lunch and stop on by! It’s educational, free and you’re guaranteed to learn something! Excited?! RSVP for the January Lunch and Learn - Safe Space Training! There will be another lunch and learn session at Peosta campus, "Caring for Self when a Caregiver" on Wednesday, Jan. 16. RSVP here.

Wellness Challenges: We will continue to switch things up to make the challenges meaningful! Wellness BINGO starts Jan. 14 and ends Feb. 14. There are 25 mini-challenges for you to tackle. It can be done from anywhere and you’ll be eligible for prizes. Sign up here by Friday, Jan. 11!

Yoga Stretch & Chair Massage: Is back on the Calmar campus. If you’d like to see yoga at the Peosta or Dubuque locations, please complete this survey. I am happy to accommodate, but will need a committed group of 10+ people to make it feasible.

Can’t get away from your desk or want to establish a workplace stretch routine? YouTube has a good series - Yoga with Adriene

New in 2019!

Know someone who excels in an area of wellness? Are they an especially clean eater? Have biked across the Midwest? Have a knack for bullet journaling? I’m bringing a quarterly campus-wide Wellness Spotlight to the forefront! Nominate a co-worker or yourself to be featured in the quarterly Wellness Spotlight. Features will appear in the Friday Takeout in March, June, September and December 2019. I need your input: Nominate someone today!

Flavor of the Month - Look for a fun activity or information geared towards a theme of the month.

● Beat the Winter Doldrums: Winter-themed Walk in January

● Heart Healthy Recipe Exchange in February

Green Corner

The Peosta campus was awarded a grant from the Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency (DMASWA) to purchase several multi-stream recycling containers for the Peosta campus! The units are in transit and will be assembled soon.

The main unit will be placed in the Cougar Cafe with four other units placed throughout the campus. We want to continue to make it easy for you to recycle on campus, but we need your help! Please look for these units and make a conscious effort to use them.

Thank you to all faculty and staff who completed the recycling survey this past December. There were 108 respondents! Recycling is important to our campus community. On a Likert scale (1 strongly disagree and 5 strongly agree) the average response to, “how important is recycling to you?” was a 4.4. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, recycling:

● Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators

● Conserves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals

● Increases economic security by tapping a domestic source of materials

● Prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials

● Saves energy

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

Business and Community Solutions colleague featured in KCRG-TV story!

Willie Frye, a Defensive Driving class instructor for NICC Business and Community Solutions, was featured in a KCRG-TV story this week. While working on the motor in a 1972 Oldsmobile he purchased from Ray Schmuecker of Petersburg, he discovered a wedding ring owned by Ray that had been lost for 45 years! Willie tracked down the family and returned the ring. The story was re-broadcast nationally by ABC News.

Tractors Survive 2017 Hurricane Harvey in Texas … then Find New Home in John Deere TECH Program!

In 2018, John Deere donated to the College several tractors and machines that had been flooded during Hurricane Harvey while sitting in a dealer lot in Texas. Faculty and students in the John Deere TECH program at Calmar restored all the new machines to running condition, said instructor Duane Bouska. “The 7930 and the 8400R were used at John Deere for testing and both of them are in great condition. While John Deere retains ownership of these machines, we are free to do with them as we wish and they will stay at the school as long as we want them. We have been using them for lab projects,” Duane said. The donated equipment is valued at approximately $500,000!

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Work in Higher Education? These Podcasts May Interest You!

The popularity of podcasts has soared over the past several years, fueled in large part by increasing numbers of listeners tuning in on smart phones. At this time in 2018, researchers estimated that half of all homes in the US are podcast fans – more than 60 million households. With millions of people listening to hundreds of thousands of shows, you are sure to discover a few favorites of your own. Dustin Ramsdell, an avid podcast listener and producer, wrote a short online review for last summer, 15 Higher Ed Podcasts You Should Be Listening To. While much of the podcast content he recommends caters to the four-year college and university environment, his top picks would be interesting to many individuals who work in the community college world; including faculty and staff with interests in research, education policy, teaching in higher education, technology and international perspectives on education.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Tom Ward

Plant Services Director | Calmar Campus

What is something you have done that would surprise others who never knew?

I am very involved in the community and have volunteered for more than 30 years in the Calmar Fire Department and 16 years as a first responder for South Winn Fire Department. I have also operated an auto detailing business for the past eight years.

What is your favorite part of the job or workday at the College?

After 35 years, the College is like a second family and coming to work is still always something new and changing. I am lucky to work with good people!

What is one thing you know now that you wish you had known as a kid?

I learned that the years really do fly by, and it is important to enjoy every day!

What childhood experience most impacted your current set of values or your career path?

I was raised on a family farm with 13 siblings. Everyone had chores to do – morning, evening and weekends! At our house, you didn’t want to be late for a meal or you took your chances on eating. Growing up taught me the value of working hard and doing what needs to be done. I hope that my wife, Luann, and I have passed these values to our five children.

Why did you choose your current profession?

I was working in Decorah at a car wash, and John Nubel, director of personnel for NICC at the time, was passing through the wash and mentioned that there was an opening in custodial at the College. I applied and was offered the position at the current minimum wage: $3.25. After starting, I enrolled in electrical program courses. So, the profession chose me!

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!