friday takeout

May 15, 2020

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • A Northeast Iowa Community College First: We celebrated nearly 700 graduates in Facebook Live virtual commencement ceremony last night! ... video link

  • Northeast Iowa organizations, agencies and the College create new "Safe at Work" initiative ... news

  • Certified Nurse Aide program opens door to healthcare career for student, Jeremiah DeMoss ... feature

  • This week's Business Insight newsletter shares resources and funding available for more small businesses in Dubuque County ... link

Note to Readers: The Friday Takeout begins its every-other-week summer schedule. The next issue will be released on May 29.

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

The American Heart Association Heart Walk is Going Virtual on June 13!

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the AHA Heart Walk originally scheduled for early May is now a virtual event on June 13. Event coordinators ask all colleagues to participate in the event on Facebook and help in the fundraising effort. Consider purchasing a Heart Walk t-shirt to support the 2020 NICC Heart Walk Team! Please make your purchase by 11:55 p.m. on Monday, May 18. Thank you to everyone for your support of this year's event!

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Self-Care Tips and Treasures

by Flannery Cerbin-Bohach, Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager

Over the next couple of weeks my plan is to bring you bits of wellness self-care tips and treasures to keep us focused on silver-linings (definition: a consoling or hopeful prospect) and gratitude. Please feel free to email me to share how you are facing the day or if you have ideas for this mini-newsletter.

Feeling lonely? Check out the Google Folder “Isolation 2020” and request to join the Northeast Iowa Community College Employees Group. These are places for sharing photos of your home office, positive thoughts and expressions of gratitude. As a self-care tip, I encourage you to try and ignore content on social media right now that isn’t serving you.

Notable Events

Photojournalism Bingo project deadline has been extended to the end of May. Try it out!

New Wellness Challenge starts on May 18. Check it out and register yourself or a team by Friday, May 15.

Inspiration of the Week:

Situation vs a Slog: “Wake me when it’s over,” is a natural instinct during a short-term interruption in our usual pattern. A crisis is there to be managed or waited out. The goal of each day is to simply get through it. Until things are back to normal.

But sometimes we’re dealing with a slog. Where the number of days is not small enough to simply throw them away. In a slog, the pattern of only getting by undervalues our days and diminishes our ability to contribute.

During a slog, we have a chance to accept a new normal, even if it’s temporary, and to figure out how to make something of it. You don’t have to wish for it, but it’s here. There’s very little value in spending our time nostalgic for normal.

When we get to the other side of the slog and look back, what will we have contributed, learned and created?"

-Seth Godin

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Adam Patrick Green

Disability Services Coordinator | Peosta Campus

When you were growing up, what game or activity did you absolutely dread playing, and why?

I hated when we had to play dodgeball in gym class. I liked the game itself, but I wore glasses when I was a kid and it was like the ball had its own gravitational pull to my face. You also have to take in account that the dodgeballs that we used back then were the hard rubber “Voit” balls and did far more damage than the foam ones they use today. It was almost guaranteed that I would end up going home that day with broken glasses. I am not sure which was more painful, getting hit in the face with a dodgeball or having to endure the constant lectures from my parents about them always having to pay to fix my glasses and them not being made of money.

What is the age in your life that stands out as the most memorable, and why?

The ages of 20 and 21 were the most significant for me. At the time I was an Infantry Paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division (Army). It was 2003 and our battalion was notified that we were going to be deployed to Kuwait as standby in case war were to break out in Iraq. As we are all aware, it did. We were the first ground troops in Iraq. In the beginning we were tasked with clearing a route for support units to move from Kuwait to Baghdad. Shortly after, tempers began to flare up in Fallujah and our mission changed to provide security for schools and other places that were considered high risk for attacks. Then we were called on to move to Baghdad where our job was to conduct raids and clear buildings, looking for high priority targets based on intel we received. We ended up staying in Iraq for a year instead of the three months we were originally slated for. Needless to say, my 21st birthday was very different than the conventional 21st birthdays most people have.

What is something you just realized that you are embarrassed you didn’t realize earlier?

I was surprised to learn recently that the Cardinal bird is named after the Cardinals from the Catholic Church, and not the other way around.

If you could morph two animals to make one super animal what would you choose and why?

I would have to say a crocodile mixed with a Capuchin monkey would be pretty terrifying. Imagine if you will a warm/cold blooded, reptile/primate hybrid that has a bite force of 3,700 pounds per square inch, a prehensile tail, opposable thumbs, long limbs, is incredibly agile, has armor like skin that bullets could not penetrate and is highly aggressive. It would be the scariest Apex predator on earth. Or a human mixed with a Blue Whale, because that would just be funny to see.

If you could start all over again, what would be your career choice?

Since I can remember I always wanted to be an archaeologist. When I was young it was because I would be able to play in the dirt and not get yelled at. Later in life I became fascinated with the concept of digging up historic artifacts to understand how past civilizations lived and how they impacted how we live today … while at the same time playing in the dirt.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!