friday takeout

June 12, 2020

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Northeast Iowa Community College, Larson Construction and Straka Johnson Architects to hold Virtual Groundbreaking Ceremony at Peosta Campus on Monday! ... news

  • Engineering Technology program graduate, Parker Klingman, advances skills and full-time employment opportunity during an economic downturn ... feature

  • Jessica Reis, Cresco Center Director, interviews with Cresco radio station KCZQ-FM about developing Virtual Summer Camps and continuing Driver Education classes during COVID-19 ... link

  • Business Insight e-newsletter shifts to bi-weekly distribution and sharing of resources for area companies ... link

Note to Readers: The Friday Takeout has begun its every-other-week summer schedule. The next issue will be released on June 26.

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

The 2020 Dubuque Area Virtual Heart Walk is Saturday!

Due to CDC recommendations to postpone events with 50 or more people, the 2020 Dubuque Area Heart Walk is going VIRTUAL. So wherever you are on Saturday, June 13, the organization invites NICC staff, faculty and friends to lace-up their shoes and walk one to three miles to ensure that funds are there for future medical advancements. Then share your walking selfies and videos on Facebook.

The Heart Walk is about a spirit of community -- sharing stories, honoring lives lost too soon, celebrating lives saved – all working toward a shared goal of raising lifesaving dollars that fund research, move health policies forward and make our communities healthier. We see this community spirit alive now more than ever, even as many of us are staying home or working hard on the frontlines as essential workers. We are united in our goal to save lives.

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Self-Care Tips and Inspiration

by Flannery Cerbin-Bohach, Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager

Inspiration of the Week:

Thank you to those who submitted content for the Vacation Page. I compiled the material for some serious wanderlust. Check out the vacation page to see what U.S. states NICC employees have visited and read snippets about their favorite domestic travels. This page is live so feel free to submit where you’ve traveled and your favorite trip and I’ll add it!

Recipe of the Week:

My wall calendar at home has a recipe each month accompanying a photo of some seasonal produce. I’ve been drooling over June’s Berry Breakfast Smoothie:

¾ cup raspberries

2 cups milk of choice

½ frozen banana

2 tbsp almond butter

¼ cup quick oats

1 tsp cinnamon

15 raisins

½ cup ice

Blend all ingredients until dissolved! Serves 1-2

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Sheldon the Goldfish

Special Big Fish Guest

So, Sheldon, for months public parks and favorite fishing areas were closed because of this pandemic. Did you and your buddies have some better breeding success to increase the fish count?

Ohhh yeah, for sure bro, me and the other totally-real fish made a ton of caviar, like for sure. Better believe it, bro.

Fishermen always seem to have some secret fishing spot. Have you figured out where these are in the area and just simply stayed away?

Yeah man, any totally-real fish will tell you that the way to nullify their secret stuff is by hiding out in public. Doing crosswords, taking out bank loans, like, anywhere highly populated. School-theory, amirite?

Here at the Friday Takeout, the editors are strictly catch-and-release, equal opportunity anglers. No matter how small the panfish or how large the bass is, we're just in it for the fun. Thoughts you want to add? Do you have your own freshwater philosophy?

Right on Matthew BRO-dereck, C/R at the F/T. Righteous. Fun in the sun, rah? I live my life in the shadow of the great Bodhi: "Little hand says it's time to rock and roll."

What is the most fun you've ever had, you know, just being a fish?

Dude, there was this killer wave once and I just like, rode it, real-fish style. That was rad.

Do you believe the coronavirus and quarantine time will send more anglers to lakes and rivers, where the open air is plentiful and it's easier to social distance between bass boats?

Oh totally, gotta be distance if you're a human brosophino; us real-fish don't have to do that. We can get together and party and be social all the time. *sigh* Just like all the other real fish.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!