friday takeout

January 4, 2019

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

College hosting second “all in one” open enrollment day on Tuesday, Jan. 8 ... news

Design Mill in Dubuque develops new virtual reality software and equipment to enhance custom applicator training for NECAS clients ... video of simulation

Northeast Iowa Community College selects architects to lead design and construction ... Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier coverage

Note to Readers: Did you encounter a great student or alumni success story over winter break? Share it with us! Complete our News and Testimonial Google form.

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Abigail Handke, a Graphic Design student and Student Life Graphic Design intern at Peosta, received 3rd place honors from the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities (APCA)! Abigail accepted the honor at the Fall Midwest Conference in Chicago, Ill., in recognition of printed materials she created for the Student Life, Leadership and Diversity departments at the College.

Abigail, of Dyersville, received the John and Mabel Heinen Family Endowment Scholarship to support her education at the College.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

College Offering New Entrepreneur Certificate Program this Month

Entrepreneurs play an important role in our economy. These are the people who have the vision, skill and initiative to recognize current or future opportunities, and then bring innovative concepts to the market. Current students and alumni, seasoned business professionals and new entrepreneurs can take their idea to the next level. The Entrepreneur Certificate courses, which may be taken for credit or audited, focus on building a successful business plan, the preparation of financial statements, and marketing and selling on social media platforms. Participants also have the opportunity to receive advisory services from StartUp Dubuque.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Dan Neenan | Director of the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS)

Peosta Campus

What is the favorite part of your job or workday at the College?

Since 2010, when we introduced the Grain Bin Rescue Program at NECAS, the fire departments we have trained have gone on to successfully rescue 14 people from being trapped in a grain bin. It is a great feeling when the departments call and lets us know of their success, and we learn how the rescue went.

Share a truly “oops” moment.

I guess it is always funny when the safety guy makes a mistake. For Kids on Campus several years ago, we did a Rescue Squad class. On the last day, part of the class was to have the kids be part of an auto extrication. The following weekend I went to move the scrap car with the skid steer, but the car did not have a transmission in it, so when I bumped it with the skid steer, it didn’t just move, but instead went down the hill behind the building.

What childhood experience most impacted your current set of values or your career path?

My brother was critically burned in a chemical explosion in Cascade when I was in 8th grade, and I wanted to learn what to do to be able to help others.

What is something you love to do that doesn't fit with how others see you?

Practical jokes ...

How does something you do, during your workday or in your free time, impact the lives of others in your community?

I have been a volunteer, Lieutenant and Paramedic with the Epworth Fire Department since 1991. I like to help in a person’s time of need.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!