friday takeout

November 6, 2020

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Northeast Iowa Community College to offer five-week Winterim term starting Dec. 17 ... news

  • Northeast Iowa Community College completes renovations on Town Clock Business Center in Dubuque ... news

  • Hosting a new Safe at Work webinar, celebrating National Apprenticeship Week and offering resources for businesses! See the redesigned Business Insight newsletter ... link

  • FACULTY AND STAFF: Stay up-to-date on the College's Strategic Plan and Tracking document in NICC Shared Files!

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

NEW! Community Outreach Committee Looking for College Representatives

by Tara Cooley, Business and Community Solutions Marketing Assistant

I’m excited to announce a new initiative for Northeast Iowa Community College Business and Community Solutions that will help our marketing efforts. The Community Outreach Committee will include both NICC employees and community members. We’ll be piloting a Dubuque-area committee to see how it goes before expanding to other areas.

The purpose of this committee is to the community engaged. Members of this committee will attend Business and Community Solutions classes and help promote classes on social media, attend community events as an NICC representative and provide testimonials about their experience.

The new way of marketing is influencer marketing. Committee members will need to have active social media accounts; Facebook and Instagram are a must, LinkedIn and Twitter is a bonus.

Right now I’m looking for three staff or faculty members to join Caitlyn Wolfe and me. If you are interested in joining, please send me an email.

Thank you,


NICC Foundation Past-President and Member, Mark Donhowe, Named Foundation Board Emeritus

The Northeast Iowa Community College Foundation has named Mark Donhowe, Foundation past-president and member, to a board position as emeritus (Mark is pictured at left with his wife, Vicki). The Foundation established a new policy regarding emeritus status within the last year. Mark served on the Foundation Board for 24 years, including a term as president. The Foundation identified Mark’s longstanding commitment to the Board and his passion for the College and its mission. The distinction on the NICC Foundation Board, although a non-voting member position, invites Mark to continue to have an active membership role.

Luther College also recently honored Mark with the Distinguished Service Award for his service to society in areas such as education, government, the arts, business, church, labor, industry, agriculture, research, medicine and community affairs.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Pandemic Response Team (PRT) and Wellness to Host Speaker on Brain Health, Nov. 10

Join us for a conversation about brain health and connection. The College will host TEDx speaker/international brain health educator, trainer and advocate David Woods Bartley for a keynote address, Sometimes What Hurts the Most Can’t Be Seen; and sometimes what helps the most is easy to do. Brain health does not look a certain way. As it stands now, its many evil incarnations are inflicting devastating harm on people in all demographics and in all parts of their lives including, home, worship, school and work. Recent suicides of the famous, the accomplished and the seemingly content points to the fact that much lies behind a forced smile, a distracting joke or a “perfect” life. This keynote address chronicles the story of David’s journey from the brink of suicide to the experience of brain health. Leveraging stories, he shares the causes of his condition, the lessons he has learned and the simple actions we can each take to bring about the most life affirming gift of all; connection.

Time: Nov 10, 2020 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Where: Zoom Link

Password: 174237

Join by phone: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 301 715 8592 US Toll

Meeting ID: 968 9835 897

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Self-Care Tips and Inspiration

by Flannery Cerbin-Bohach, Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager

Self-Care Tip of the Week:

I’m going to insert a little personal plug and bias. I came across a Runner’s World article last weekend, It’s Totally Normal to Start Crying While You’re Running. The article references a survey conducted by ASICS to address how running improves health and how COVID has impacted runners: “... 79 percent of runners said running is currently helping them feel saner and more in control during this time, and 65 percent of runners say its mental benefits outweigh any other form of physical exercise.” How about that? And other studies suggest aerobic exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression. Feel free to email me if you want advice about how to start a running routine!

Speaking of running … a big shout-out to Blake Moen, who tackled his first ever marathon (26.2 miles) this past week! His sister made up the route around streets and trails. Awesome work! Here’s Blake (at right) cheesin’ with his homemade medal.

Inspiration of the Week:

Be inspired! We have a lot of really great photos for the 2021 Wellness Calendar Contest. Between now and Nov. 9 end-of-day is your chance to vote. There are 50 photos to view; select 12 you’d like to see appear in the 2021 Wellness Calendar. Any NICC employee is eligible to vote (just once please). The photos with the most votes will appear in print in the 2021 calendar. Pre-orders on calendars will be for sale during the Student Crisis Fundraiser and into the month of December. Pictured at left: Sky Fire, by Lor Miller in the 2019 Wellness Calendar.

View Photos Here

Voting Form

Recipe of the Week:

Confession ... I haven’t tried this yet, but Skillet Lasagna was a recommendation from a friend. I’ve added the ingredients to the grocery list! Let me know if anyone tries it.

Gratitude Mini-Workshops

Have you ever wanted to integrate more gratitude into your life? It might feel especially challenging to name what we have to be grateful for these days but identifying them can bring greater health and happiness. Join NICC Counseling intern Yarrow Pasche for an exploration of gratitude over the month of November.

Details: TBA early next week!

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Tim Folkerts

Physics/Math Instructor | Calmar Campus

What is your favorite movie of all time? (in a particular genre, if it’s easier to answer. e.g., comedy, drama, horror, sci fi.)

The Princess Bride. It is the perfect combination of romance, adventure and comedy.

If you could morph two animals to make one super animal what would you choose and why?

I would morph together an elephant and a rhinoceros. So that when people asked what it is called, I could answer "eleph-ino."

Give your colleagues a suggestion: what are 1, 2, or 3 of your favorite smart phone apps?

Tile: It helps me find my lost keys!

Star Chart: Learn about stars, planets, etc., with this interactive map of the night skies.

Physics Toolbox Suit: Turn your phone into a tool that can measure speed, musical pitch, barometric pressure, color, angles and more!

Is there a book you’ve read that you love so much you’ve read it twice, or even multiple times

I have read "On Beyond Zebra" by Dr Seuss too many times to count - first to my kids, and now to my grandkids. I love not only the whimsy, but also the message about the wonders of teaching and learning.

If you could create a holiday, what would be called and how would we celebrate it?

I would make Election Day a Federal Holiday so that Americans could more easily exercise their right to vote!

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!