friday takeout

March 27, 2020

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Dr. Wee asks us all to continue being compassionate and flexible with each other as we adjust to the COVID-19 virus and its effect on communities ... news

  • College announces changes in operations due to COVID-19 virus ... news

  • Full circle success: Leo Avila’s advanced manufacturing training and experience leads to career in education at Northeast Iowa Community College ... feature

  • A Dairy Science student from Delaware County, Becca Hermann, shares her love of wool, knitting and the fiber arts with NICC student peers and community members ... feature

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Join our American Heart Association Fundraising Campaign

Paper Heart Sales | Now through TBD

The NICC Heart Walk Team will have Paper Hearts for sale. $1 for a red heart, $5 for a silver heart, and $10 for a gold heart. The Paper Hearts will be on display in the Cafe. Reach out to a team member to get your Paper Hearts: Jennifer Anglin, Katie Koch, Gina Ellerbach-Tone and Laura Menke.

100 Reasons to Give | Now until all envelopes are gone!

See the display outside the Administrative Office.

NICC Heart Walk T-Shirts

Show your support! Purchase an NICC Heart Walk T-Shirt and Donate to NICC Heart Walk Team! The Heart Walk is scheduled for Saturday, May 2.

More information to come about the events. All Calmar campus and center staff and faculty are welcome to participate! Please contact Gina Ellerbach-Tone, Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Allied Health and Human Services, with questions at ext. 2154.

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.


Tami Keune is a new full-time Nursing instructor at Calmar.

PIES and BARS | sweet data.

Guidance for Data Request Form in Etrieve!

In case you missed last week's Friday Takeout, all data requests to Institutional Research are now being processed through Employee eForms or Etrieve. For those of you who have already submitted data requests using the new form in Etrieve, thank you! You have helped us identify a few edits, which have since been incorporated. After the project title, there is now a place for you to enter a description of your request. For example: "Please provide a list of all full-time students newly enrolled in the John Deere program fall of 2019 with name, address and other information selected below." Your description will help us identify the select group of students you are seeking information on.

Any and all pieces of information that you need for this select group of students will need to be listed, one at a time, in the section titled "List of Data Points Needed." For each piece of information or "data point" needed (i.e., name, address, date of birth, total credits, first generation status, etc. ), click on the "Add Data Point" icon in the Etrieve form as shown above right. If you have not yet had the opportunity to explore or use the form, you can find it in My Campus under Employee eForms, and once you are in Etrieve, it is under Forms > Institutional Research.

As always, do not hesitate to call Lor (ext. 1203) or Brandon (ext. 1419) with questions! We look forward to meeting your data needs.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Top Podcasts for Educators

The George Lucas Educational Foundation shared some of the top podcasts for educators on its website. These five podcasts discuss teaching strategies, STEM education, professional development and more. Enjoy!

  • At a quick 10 minutes per episode, posted every Sunday, Angela Watson's Truth for Teachers is designed to speak life, encouragement and truth into the minds and hearts of educators - and to get teachers and educators energized for the week ahead.

  • The Bedley Brothers, Scott and Tim, are teacher-of-the-year brothers from California who live and breathe teaching and learning. They interview high-profile guests in 30-plus-minute shows, where they discuss a variety of topics, full of engaging anecdotes and practical info.

  • Science Underground is a two-minute weekly science podcast hosted by scientist and Edutopia blogger Ainissa Ramirez and journalist Bill Retherford. Short segments target students and adults as the hosts share lesson ideas that regularly align with NGSS standards.

  • On Talks With Teachers, Edutopia community facilitator Brian Sztabnik invites teachers to chat about their stories and challenges, their learning and loves. It's impossible to listen without getting a big shot of inspiration from the ideas offered by these positive teacher voices.

In one of the longest running podcasts, producer Wesley Fryer records ponderings, anecdotes and sometimes whole presentations that he attends at conferences. Moving at the Speed of Creativity centers largely on edtech, with podcasts that vary in length and release date. But when Wesley shares something, it's always worth a listen.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Jeannette Moschel

Cosmetology Instructor | Calmar Campus

Who is your favorite comedian?

Robin Williams. I was first introduced to him when he starred in the sitcom Mork and Mindy. I continued to watch him throughout his career

Is there a book you’ve read that you love so much you’ve read it twice, or even multiple times?

I love to read and have many favorites. I read all kinds of books, but one that stands out is The Inn Boonsbore Trilogy.

What kid’s movie has completely scarred you for life?

Wizard of Oz. The wicked witch and the flying monkeys gave me nightmares. But it is one of my favorites.

If you could be an Olympic athlete, in what sport would you compete?

Figure skating would probably be my choice. I love to watch figure skaters perform.

If you could choose one cartoon character to be your best friend, what character would you choose?

Little Lulu. I loved her corkscrew curls, she always stood up for the underdog and she believed girls can do anything boys can do. With three brothers, I had to keep up with them.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!