friday takeout

March 12, 2021

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Bid awarded to Cresco-area contractor for Max Clark Hall renovations this year (pictured at left, architectural rendering of new entrance) ... news

  • Brittany Winter, Automotive Technology program graduate, forges successful career ... feature

  • Dan Neenan, Director of the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS) receives the 2021 Agricultural Safety & Health Council of America Award!... news ... and Iowa Farmer Today publishes story on local grain bin rescue ... link

  • FACULTY AND STAFF: Stay up-to-date on the College's Strategic Plan and Tracking document in NICC Shared Files!

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Upswing Allows 24/7 Online Academic Support for Students

Northeast Iowa Community College’s partnership with the service Upswing began last August and offers 24/7 online academic support services to all NICC students. The Learning Centers at both campuses have integrated many additional services for students through the Upswing platform.

Students use their NICC username and password to access the following services:

Online tutoring. This is an added layer of support to faculty instruction. Students may connect with tutors through audio, video or chat on nearly all academic subjects. NICC tutors are available to continue the high level of academic assistance as always, with the addition of Upswing tutors, certified tutors in their fields, ready to assist students during the off-times for the College’s tutors. Students can easily make appointments for both online and in-person sessions with many evening and weekend opportunities.

Writing lab. This contains a library of videos and tutorials to help students throughout the

writing process. Students can submit their writings/essays two ways: Through the Upload an assignment tab to receive feedback from a random Upswing or NICC tutor; and with the Meet with a tutor tab; type Writing in the search, choose a tutor, to make an appointment to meet virtually.

Ana. A virtual text messaging assistant, Ana provides information about college resources, activities and events, motivational nudges and more. Students receive text messages throughout the term from Ana with questions and reminders on important dates, such as financial aid deadlines and final drop dates. Students have the option of opting out at any time, but may find Ana to be a quick, easy way get their questions answered right in the space where they spend most of their time – their cell phones. Please urge students to utilize Ana. She is not spam!

Encourage Students to Enter the Larry Kruse Memorial Writing Contest!

Faculty, do your students love to write? Encourage students to enter The Larry Kruse Memorial Writing Contest this month! This year the College’s students have the opportunity to receive both recognition for their writing talents and a chance to win a scholarship. The Larry Kruse Memorial Writing Contest is district-wide and open to all current students. There is no entry fee.

There are two categories, poetry and prose, and winners in each category are selected based on creativity, originality, organization, word choice, flow, grammar and spelling. First place winners receive a $500 NICC scholarship and second place winners receive a $250 scholarship. Larry Kruse's family will also choose their favorite overall submission. The winner of that category will receive a custom made "bags" set.

Deadline for submissions is Thursday, March 25. Winners will be announced April 29. Students may submit at the following link. Questions? Contact Julia Wall, Learning Center instructor, at or ext. 1411.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Consider Donating Blood Next Week

Please join your colleagues in this lifesaving mission and schedule an appointment to donate blood. Since the pandemic began, more than 200,000 young Red Cross supporters have given blood and more than 30,000 have volunteered to help the Red Cross with its lifesaving mission. But the need for blood never stops and we still need your help.

Drive Details:

Site: Calmar Campus

Location: Wilder Business Center 106

Date: Wed Mar 17, 2021

Time: 10:30 a.m. - 02:30 p.m.

Make an appointment

  • Give a Pint. Get a Pint. Get a coupon for a free pint of Culver's famous frozen custard!

  • Get an exclusive Red Cross T-shirt when you come to give March 15-26, while supplies last!

Mark Your Calendar: Peosta Campus Blood Drive on April 12

Drive Details:

Site: Peosta Campus

Location: NECAS

Date: Monday, April 12, 2021

Time: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Make an appointment

Donors ages 16-24 will get a $10 e-gift card for Chipotle, Panera, Grubhub or another food favorite when you come to donate April 1-30. Not in the mood for food? Not a problem – there are many other merchants you can choose.

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Self-Care Tips and Inspiration

by Flannery Cerbin-Bohach, Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager

Self-Care Tip of the Week:

Dealing with chronic pain can be emotionally and physically draining. According to the National Institute of Health, more people suffer from chronic pain than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. Chronic pain is defined as ongoing pain that usually lasts longer than six months.

One strategy for dealing with chronic pain is a mind-body approach to pain management, which utilizes the connection between your brain and body to help you cope with the pain. The various modalities are meditation, mindful movement and progressive muscle relaxation.


In guided meditation, you are encouraged to visualize specific images or situations to help you achieve a deeper state of relaxation. Breathing exercises also are practiced, many times while you focus on imagining inhaling calm energy and exhaling stress. Here are some Guided Meditations from Headspace and from Tara Brach, a psychotherapist and a meditation teacher.

Mindful movement

Moving mindfully involves slow, gentle movements, which has the added benefit of exercising and stretching. A few examples of mindful movements include tai chi and yoga.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

PMR helps relieve physical and mental tension by relaxing each muscle group in the body, one-by-one. It can be an extremely helpful tool to help fall asleep. Here are instructions for how to practice PMR.

Recipe of the Week:

Here is a quick healthy, protein packed lunch with pasta, canned tuna, olives, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.

Inspiration of the Week:

Looking for a cool escape? Take a virtual escape and spy on the penguins at the Kansas City Zoo!

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Karen Kettner

Humanities Instructor | Calmar Campus

During your career at Northeast Iowa Community College, what is the nicest thing that ever happened to you, or someone did for you?

I was recommended for my current role as adjunct faculty by an instructional designer at NICC who I had worked with at another college. It was a wonderful compliment :)

If you could start all over again, what would be your career choice?

I would be an immigration lawyer.

Who is your favorite fictional character and why? If you could go on a fun adventure or date with them, what would you do?

Marcus Didius Falco! He is the central character and narrator in a series of historical mysteries by Lindsey Davis. Falco is a private informer and the novels take place during the time of the Roman Empire under Vespasian. I would solve mysteries with Falco.

Is there a book you’ve read that you love so much you’ve read it twice, or even multiple times?

The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins. This is a 19th-century British novel and an early modern example of the detective novel.

Name one country or region in the world you have never visited that you someday want to visit, serve or spend a vacation?

Africa. I would travel throughout the continent.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!