friday takeout

January 25, 2019

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

Medical Associates partnering with the College to address skilled workforce needs for Medical Assistants ... KCRG-TV

Catch up with your College Senate news! ... December 2018 minutes and Senate Google Site ...

College named to the 2019-2020 Military Friendly Schools list nationwide! ... news

Do you know a great student or alumni success story? Share it with us! Complete our News and Testimonial Google form.

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Dr. Wee Named to Dubuque Racing Association's Board of Directors

Dr. Wee was among three new members joining the Dubuque Racing Association (DRA) Board of Directors this week! He is joined by new members Tyson Leyendecker, of Dubuque Bank & Trust, and Tom Bolduc, of American Trust & Savings Bank. Dr. Wee will serve a three-year term on the 21-member board. He joins the DRA at a time when gambling revenue is rising dramatically compared to more sluggish previous years, when casino patrons spent less of their discretionary income on gaming in Dubuque. According to the Telegraph Herald, Dubuque’s casinos collectively generated more than $119 million in gambling revenue in 2018, outpacing the previous year’s figures by nearly three percent and posting the highest market total since 2013. In accordance with state law, a portion of the DRA’s annual gambling revenues must be used to support grants to non-profit organizations in the local area. (In fact, among the states with legalized gaming, Iowa is the only state that requires regulated licensed casinos to contribute a portion of their revenues to local charities and community projects.) The DRA Board of Directors discusses and decides which grant applications will receive funding each year.

Since 2010, total grant funding in the amount of $148,560 has been awarded to the NICC Foundation, the College and the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS) at Peosta.

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

Congratulations to the Newlyweds!

Katie Kress and Andy Baumhover, both of Dubuque, were married at the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium on Nov. 10, 2018! Katie is an Adult Education and Literacy Instructor/Coach at the Dubuque Center. Congratulations to the happy couple!

Ryan and Bailey Kloft Welcome Baby Boy!

Welcome the newest little member of Business and Community Solutions! Bailey and Ryan welcomed little Krewz Glenn Kloft at 9:49 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 16. At 7 lbs., 7 oz. and 20 inches, he's handsome and healthy. Bailey serves as Career Development & Business Partnership Lead for Business and Community Solutions. All are doing well, and Bailey and Ryan couldn't be happier.

Welcome to Northeast Iowa Community College!

Ann Ranniger is a new Business and Community Solutions Program Developer at the Town Clock Business Center in Dubuque.

David Rokusek is a new Business and Community Solutions Program Developer at the Town Clock Business Center in Dubuque.

Denise Shelley is a new Assessment Technician at Peosta.

John Wolfe is a new Learning Center instructor at Peosta.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Randy Ruroden

Maintenance | Calmar Campus

What is something you have done that would surprise others who never knew?

I'm an auctioneer. When I was a kid there were a lot of auctions in the neighborhood, and I listened to the auctioneer. I went to auctioneer college in December 1988; it was a 10-day course and I had fun at college learning the different types of auctions.

What is the favorite part of your job or workday at the College?

Working with people co-workers and staff.

What childhood experience most impacted your current set of values or your career path?

Working with my dad as a kid, when he was a school custodian. The lessons dad taught me were many, including; running a scrub machine, taking care of equipment, fixing things and being nice to people. Working at the school was not different in any way from my experience at the College, because I am meeting students, teachers and staff.

What is your opinion regarding the education system in the US? What changes would you recommend?

There is still a need for skilled workers to do hands-on things, like furnace repair, plumbing, electrical, construction, cleaning, etc.

What fad of the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's or 00's do you wish would come back into style?

50’s through 80's music! There is something I love about the music of those years. I was a DJ and played a lot of those years of music. In the 50s I liked Elvis, Buddy Holly, and Johnny Cash; in the 60s, the Beach Boys and the Ventures; in the 70s, it was Three Dog Night, CCR and John Denver; and the 80’s included Foreigner, Kiss and Van Halen.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!