friday takeout

May 20, 2022

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Northeast Iowa Community College leaders and friends celebrated the completion of renovations for Max Clark Hall this week! ... photos

  • Trustees appoint new member, Dean Sherman, to District 4 seat on board ... news

  • Waukon High School graduate and Associate of Arts NICC student, Cody Palmer, shares his experience as a wildland firefighter in the Mojave National Preserve ... Waukon Standard link

Pictured are left to right: Rhonda Seibert, NICC Associate Vice President of Operations; Matt Brace of Cresco Builders; Benjamin Beard, Straka Johnson Architects; Jim Anderson, NICC Board of Trustees Chair; Norm Racicot, NICC Construction Manager; Donald Wurtzel, Calmar Economic Development; and NICC President Dr. Wee.

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Community Supports Gas to Class Great Give Day Campaign in Record Numbers!

Together with 97 donors, including many employees, we raised $10,049. That is an NICC record high for funds raised on Great Give Day.

We also earned two monetary prizes from the Community Foundation:

1. Most Donors between 8-9 a.m. = $1,000

2. Most Growth of a returning non-profit = $500

Our friends from Group Benefit Partners and Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield challenged us to raise $7,500 with the promise to match that.

So here is the total impact:

10,049 + 1,000 +500 +7,500 = $19,049

Spring/Summer Edition of Solutions Magazine Published

The new issue of Solutions Magazine, a publication produced by Business and Community Solutions, Marketing and External Relations, dropped in mailboxes this past week. The overall theme of the issue is workplace and organizational culture. Threaded through the magazine are stories about building a culture of customer service and one with a strong sense of purpose, creating a workplace environment that keeps all employees engaged and the many ways customized training for the workforce builds and retains talent.

Check out the Spring/Summer issue!

2022 Retiree Open Houses Honored Colleagues for their Service

Calmar campus retirees honored last week at the 2022 Retiree Open House are (in photo above at left): Michelle Davis, HEA representative and Math instructor presenting a gift to some of the faculty retirees on behalf of the HEA, Mary Jean Svendsen, Debbie Speltz, Lisa Mueller, Mary Engstrom, Heidi Herold, Marie Riha, Tad Mueller, Rodney Necker and Dr. Wee. Not pictured: Margaretta O'Neill

Peosta retirees are: Ron McClain, Mary Jane Krapfl, Danette McElmeel, Elaine Capek, Susan Stork, Dr. Wee and Marie Blum.
Not pictured: Jodie Bleile.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

What's a "Hypertufa Garden Container"? Check out these Business and Community Solutions
Personal Enrichment Classes Coming Up!

Kayaking for the Beginner ( #85142) May 25 | Dubuque

Never been in a kayak before? Paddled a kayak without knowing what you were doing? Wanna feel more comfortable in a kayak? Perfect! Join us to do just that. Info.

Creating a Hypertufa Garden Container (#85356) June 7 | New Hampton

Hyper-what?!? Hypertufa, def. "a substitute for porous tufa limestone, made from Portland cement and aggregates" … More simply, hypertufa is fake stone. Info.

Homemade Pizza Night (#86171) June 9 | Dubuque

Make your own homemade pizza from scratch; it's the latest craze! Everyone gets to make a pizza their own way, with fresh ingredients and lots of fun. Info

Baking French Pastries (#86172) June 21 | Dubuque

If you've ever eaten authentic cream puffs and beignets, you know the amazing sensation of biting into a sweet cloud. Info.

Intermediate Kayaking (#85069) June 22 | Dubuque

Join the naturalists with Dubuque County Conservation for a kayak paddle! Kayaks will be provided as part of the class. Each class will try a new spot. Info.


Kara and Piper, our Green Iowa AmeriCorps Sustainability Coordinators, will be bringing us regular facts and tips to green your life and make it more sustainable.

No Mow May. If you've ever wanted an excuse not to mow, look no further than No Mow May®. Started by UK conservation charity, Plantlife, it has now crossed the pond and No Mow May® is gaining more traction locally. According to Bee City USA, due to habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change, up to 40% of pollinator species may be at risk of extinction in the coming years. By not mowing part or all of your lawn in May, you create a safe habitat and give plants and pollinators the opportunity to flourish and do their pollination dance. However, given the wet, rainy spring we've had, not mowing in May is not entirely feasible, so Iowa State Extension office recommends Mow Less May. They also offer great suggestions on how you can participate, including tips on creating a pollinator garden and ideas on transitioning part of your turf into spaces that support native insects and wildlife. So, before you mow, get out there and enjoy the symphony of colors, wonderful buzz of bumblebees and catch a butterfly flitting around before they're gone!

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Aaron Gillespie

Avionics Electronics Specialist | Peosta

Have you moved around the country or world to live and/or work, or are you currently living very close to where you grew up?

I have lived in numerous places which include Mississippi, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Washington state, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, as well as three years in Germany. I have also had the opportunity to travel all over the world for work. I grew up in north central Iowa so it is good to be back home again!

What sports do you follow regularly or what ones have participated in competitively?

I follow Green Bay Packer football, no better place to see a game! I'm also a casual fan of baseball, soccer (the other football) and hockey. My wife and I attended our first two hockey games during the playoffs the year the St. Louis Blues won the cup. Great atmosphere.

What is your favorite thing to do to unwind after a busy workday or week?

I enjoy spending time around a good campfire or fishing.

What song was top of the charts the year you graduated high school?

"Jump Around" by House of Pain ... some readers may remember this one.

What are your favorite activities to enjoy the seasons – spring, summer, fall, winter? (Choose one season)

I enjoy spending time on our property in the northwoods of Wisconsin. I can typically be found in a tree stand whenever I can make it up there during the fall

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!