friday takeout

March 29, 2019

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • KCRG-TV broadcasts news story on the College's nursing programs receiving national accreditation! ... news

  • The entire Ney family are Northeast Iowa Community College graduates! Marvin Ney, husband and father, believes the Paramount Ambulance service he founded is one way to give back to the community and the College ... video

  • In an article for the Biz Times in Dubuque, Director of NECAS Dan Neenan shares timely information on farm safety ... link

  • Design Mill Inc, and its collaboration with NECAS to develop a Virtual Reality crops applicator vehicle, was featured this week in Today's Farming, by the Eastern Iowa Shopping News ... link

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

College Hosting Healthcare Career Fairs!

Monday, April 1

11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Calmar: Max Clark Solarium

Do you know students who are interested in a healthcare career? Send them over to the Healthcare Career Fair! Students will network with local and regional employers, and learn more about career opportunities in northeast Iowa.

Twenty employers are participating in the Calmar event, and 27 employers will be on hand at Peosta. Students should dress business casual and bring professional copies of their resumes.

Students who would like a review of their resumes are encouraged to contact Career Services.

Monday, April 8

11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Peosta: 203 - 204

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Pew Research Center Study Updates Data on "Mobile Revolution" among US Adults

A Pew Research Center Internet & Technology report published in February 2018 explored the patterns and trends that have shaped the “mobile revolution.” The study reported, “The vast majority of Americans – 95 percent – now own a cellphone of some kind. The share of Americans that own smartphones is now 77 percent, up from just 35 percent in Pew Research Center’s first survey of smartphone ownership conducted in 2011.” Researchers polled US adults to produce data on: mobile phone ownership in 2018 compared to data collected in 2004; cell phone and smartphone owners by gender, age, race, household income and educational attainment; and differences in ownership among urban, suburban and rural areas in the country. One of the study’s findings examined smartphone dependent groups (i.e., individuals who do not use broadband at home and only rely on smartphones for online access). This data indicates that, in 2018, adults with less than a high school diploma comprise the highest percentage of smartphone dependent users, at 39 percent. Only 10 percent of college graduates were reported as smartphone dependent in the study.

PIES and BARS | sweet data

Total Need-Based Dollars Awarded to Students Approached $17M in Academic Year 2018

In academic year 2018, more then 90 percent of all credit student financial aid offered was awarded to meet a demonstrated student financial need. Ninety-eight percent of first-time, full-time students with demonstrated need were offered some form of aid, with two-thirds of these students receiving a need-based grant or scholarship. The table at right shows the total aid awarded and the percentage by category that went to meet a demonstrated financial need.

Congratulations to the Financial Aid team for their hard work and dedication to meeting our students' needs and helping them on their road to success!

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Dave Ferkingstad

Electrical Program Instructor | Calmar

Which of the following aspects of your upbringing most contributed in shaping the person you came to be and why/how? (e.g., geography, physical environment (farm, city, housing), community, socio-economic status, religion, or individuals most responsible for your care.)

I grew up in Lansing, Iowa, a community comprised of farmers, fishermen, tradespeople and many other professions. I feel the biggest aspect of my upbringing that shaped me most was the way people always helped those less fortunate. People pitching in to help out during difficult times. I grew up around some great examples, and I hope I project that in my life as well.

How did you learn how to ride a bike?

I learned to ride a bike from my grandmother in Winona. In her 81 years, she never had a driver’s license. She biked or walked anywhere she needed to go. Very thankful that she shared that skill with me.

Who or what shaped your sense of humor?

My family and friends definitely shaped my sense of humor and helped it evolve as I got older. Jokes are funniest when you share them with those closest to you.

What experience most prepared you for your current role at the College?

Working with young electricians and apprentices really did the most to prepare me for my role as an instructor. Everyone learns differently, so I am constantly trying to make my best connection with each student.

What is a guilty pleasure song that you listen to, but don't openly admit (until now)?

"Yeah" by Usher

What was your favorite cartoon/comic/book growing up?

Bloom County Opus!!! Gotta love Opus Krokus on the electric tuba.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!