Specials & Special Programs



Jason Mester, P.E. Teacher


Twitter: @OCTMester

I am very blessed to teach here at O.C. Taylor. I enjoy getting to work with children of all fitness levels to develop healthy habits, teach teamwork and sportsmanship, and inspire a love for physical activity. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about your child's time in the gym.

Cristie Morgan, Art Teacher


Twitter: @OCTMorgan

O. C. Taylor has been my home for the past couple of years, and I am so grateful to share my love and passion for art. I hope to provide my students with an opportunity to express themselves, create unique pieces of art and think outside of the the box. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about the art room.

Beth Vencill, Music Teacher


Twitter: @OCTVencill

I am so thankful for the opportunity to share my passion and build strong relationships with my O.C. Taylor Tigers. My hope is to provide my students with a safe space to sing, dance, create and develop a life-long love for music. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions regarding your child's time in the Music room. My door is ALWAYS open!


Kathy Griffin, GT Specialist



Website: Kathy Griffin - GT LEAD Website

Click here for the biweekly GT LEAD Newsletter

I am so fortunate to call O.C. Taylor my home, and like our mascot, the Tiger, we ARE creative, resourceful, and resilient. The definition of RESILIENCY is “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.” Whether it be digital or in person, my goal is to provide opportunities that develop a student’s capacity to trouble- shoot, problem-solve, reflect, be creative, and look at situations from multiple perspectives. My own children are GCISD graduates and have benefited greatly from the rigor of advanced academics, leadership opportunities, and programs that have met their needs socially/emotionally. Likewise, I am committed to connecting students and families with programs and services that are unique to GCISD. In a nutshell, my WHY of teaching is … “It’s all about the kids!”


Allison Bailey, OCT 504 Campus Coordinator

Email: allison.bailey@gcisd.net

Phone: (817) 305-4875

Twitter: @OCTBailey

Serving your child and family through Section 504 is such a privilege! My role as your 504 Campus Coordinator is to answer questions, guide you and your child through the process, and work collectively as a 504 committee to ensure that the needed instructional and behavioral supports are put in place for your child. Please reach out to me at anytime during the year if you have questions or would like to discuss your child's needs. I look forward to helping each of our Tigers reach their fullest potential!!

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal civil rights statute which protects the rights of persons with disabilities. Section 504 prohibits discrimination against disabled persons, including both students and staff members by school districts receiving federal financial assistance. Included in the U.S. Department of Education regulations for Section 504 is the requirement that disabled students be provided with Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). These regulations require identification, evaluation, the provision of appropriate services, and procedural safeguards. An eligible student is a student who has a record of having or is regarded as having, a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity such as learning.

Any child who is receiving services under Section 504 will be provided appropriate accommodations that must be followed on a regular and routine basis. Prior to the school year, a copy of these accommodations will be given to each teacher who serves your child. If you have questions about how and when these accommodations are provided to your child, first, reach out to your child's homeroom teacher. You may always call or email me with any additional questions throughout the year.

NEW 504 Meeting Information for the 2021-2022 school year. Please click HERE to read about scheduling 504 meetings for every other school year and transition years (5th to 6th grade), unless otherwise requested by a parent, teacher, or student. Section 504 meetings will be scheduled by the assistant principal in conjunction with the classroom teacher(s), counselor, and parent(s). Although a parent is not required to attend the meeting, we prefer to have your input and collaboration.

Notice of Student and Parent Rights under Section 504


Jessica Allen

Email: Jessica.Allen@gcisd.net

Phone: (817) 305-4870

Website: https://twitter.com/OCT_ALLEN

I'm a parent, so I can relate to parents on how it can be difficult to navigate our new norm. However, we are all in this together, we will continue to give it our best and we are here for each and every one of you. It’s been such a joy to meet with students and see their faces through virtual learning - I know it’s going to be a great year!

Breanna Burson

Email: breanna.burson@gcisd.net

Phone: (817) 305-4870

Melissa Burt

Email: melissa.burt@gcisd.net

Phone: (817) 305-4870

Website: https://twitter.com/OCTBurt

While having children of my own at this time, I can relate to many parents at home trying to conquer it all! It has been a transition faced with many learning experiences. I truly miss seeing each of my students on campus, but I am so grateful to have the ability to communicate remotely during this time. Please know that I am available to you, to support your student(s), as we continue learning at home.

Jessica Martin

Email: jessica.martin@gcisd.net

Phone: (817) 305-4870

Website: www.twitter.com/OCTJMartin

You are not alone!!!

Trying to navigate something that we all have never experienced before is overwhelming and stressful to say the least. I can relate to you all on so many levels. I have a 6th grader attempting to do middle school online while my 8 month old is crawling around the house getting into everything. Managing work and home life during this time can seem virtually impossible, no pun intended! Through it all, I want you to know that I am here for you and your children in more ways than one. I’m thankful I get to see your kids even if it isn’t in person at the moment. Please let me know if you need anything at all.


Heather Killeen, Speech Therapist

Email: heather.killeen@gcisd.net

Phone: 817-305-4953 


This is going to be a year of change and growth for all of us. We are all wearing many hats and playing multiple roles each day. I am so thankful for the continued opportunity to work with your children and your families. Please know that I am available to you, to support your student(s), as they work on building communication skills to be the best they can be.


Kari Griffith, Literacy Interventionist

Email: kari.griffith@gcisd.net

Phone: (682) 503-1518 Google Voice

(817)305-4870 O.C. Taylor

Twitter Kari Griffith@ OCT Griffith

I am so excited to be working with child here at O.C. Taylor this school year. I know the last six months have been bit different. I know parents and families are having to where many different hats. Please know that I am here to support your child in their learning. I am here for you if you have any questions. We are in this TOGETHER!