2nd Grade Newsletter

November 8 - 12, 2021

Welcome to 2nd Grade

You must call the office, 817-305-4870, by 2:00 p.m. to communicate any change in your child's dismissal.

Please check and initial your child's Great Tiger Folder every evening.

Weekly Learning Objectives

Math- Learners will use standard, word and expanded forms to represent 3-digit numbers.

ELAR-Learners will look at nonfiction texts and identify the text features.

Social Studies - Learners will understand timelines.

Science- Learners will compare how organisms depend on each other.

Fundations (spelling)- Learners will review suffixes in spelling.

Mark Your Calendar

November 8- Social Studies Timeline homework due (this was sent home in your child's GREAT Tiger folder last Thursday).

November 9- Make-up Picture Day

November 11- Veteran's Day- Wear red, white, and blue

November 22-26- Thanksgiving Break

Label, label, label

As the weather turns cooler children wear, and lose, their coats/jackets/sweaters with great frequency.

If you would like your child's lost items to be returned to him/her please label his/her items.

Do you know a VETERAN you would like to honor this Veterans Day? If you know someone who served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, you are invited to add their photo to our Wall of Honor slideshow. You can either email your picture to Mrs. Vencill (bethany.vencill@gcisd.net) or send your photo to school with your student. Please label the picture with your student’s name, the veteran’s name and the branch of the military they served in. These pictures will be returned to you after Veterans Day. If you added a picture to our slideshow last year, I will add those photos again this year.

Book Bags/Nightly Reading

Your child should bring home a leveled "bag of books" each evening for his/her 20 minutes of nightly reading. We kindly ask that the books, with the table of contents card, stay in your child's backpack. *Bookbags are distributed each Monday and are turned in each Friday.

Nightly reading can take many forms. Your child can read aloud to you, you could read aloud to your child, or you can share the reading. After reading discuss the book by asking questions like "Who was your favorite character? Why?" "What was your favorite part of the story? Why?"

Math at home

Please make sure your child is practicing addition and subtraction facts each night.

Here are some ways to practice in fun ways:

  • Practice math facts orally while you're driving somewhere.

  • Use flashcards and make it a game by trying to race the clock to see how many they can solve in a certain amount of time.

  • They also have many math apps downloaded to their school iPad that they can use at home.

We will also be telling time on analog clocks within the next few weeks. Please encourage your child to use analog clocks to practice at home!

Learning Commons schedule

Please help your child keep his/her library book in the large plastic bag that is labeled with their name. This bag will help protect the book from "all the things" that live in backpacks.

Students will visit the Learning Commons with their homeroom. Students must turn in their books in order to check out another book. *Please have your child bring their library books to school the day before their scheduled day to visit the Learning Commons. Students will be able to turn in their books to allow for ample time for Mrs. Irwin to check them back in. Thank you!


Thursdays- Vaughan and Knudson

Fridays- Dagger and Blanchard (Pettit)


Now that the children are back in school have you found the urge to purge? Are you cleaning out book shelves and cabinets?

Your second grade teachers will happily accept used picture books, early chapter books, puzzles, and games.

Books help us build classroom libraries and keep collections interesting and relevant. Old puzzles and games help us with cooperation, problem solving, creativity, and indoor recess.

Let us help you with your donation piles!

Birthday Celebrations

Birthdays are special. We will celebrate your child's special day with singing in our classroom. You may send in small treats like pencils, erasers, stickers, etc., if you choose. Please refrain from sending in any food item.