2nd Grade Newsletter

September 20-24

Welcome to 2nd Grade!

You must call the office, 817-305-4870, by 2:00 p.m. to communicate any change in your child's dismissal.

Weekly Learning Objectives

Math- Learners will add and subtract 2-digit numbers.

ELAR-Learners will retell stories in order. Learners will write stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Social Studies - Learners will understand the characteristics of good citizenship.

Science- Learners will understand animal characteristics.

Fundations (spelling)- Learners will understand bonus letters (ff, ll, and ss) in spelling.

Mark Your Calendar

Wednesday, September 15- Scholastic Magazine check for $6.95 due

Monday, September 20- Professional Learning for Teachers- No school for students

Wednesday, October 6- International Walk to School Day

Monday, October 11- School Holiday

Tuesday, October 12- School Picture Day

Wednesday, October 13- Early Dismissal at 11:45 a.m.

Help! We are still waiting on several students! Scholastic Magazines

We will use Scholastic Magazines during our Social Studies and Science classes this year. These magazines are highly engaging, timely, and the children love them. Each child will receive weekly issues throughout this school year. We kindly ask that you send a check, made payable to Scholastic Magazines, for $6.95. If you need financial assistance please reach out to your child's teacher. Thanks so much!

Breakfast, Snacks, and Water

Please make sure that your child has a good breakfast each morning. We ask that you send two snacks and a refillable water bottle to help sustain your child until our lunchtime at 12:45 p.m. Thanks so much!


Please send a working set of headphones that can be left at school. Please label them with your child's name.

Fidgets, pop gizmos, trinkets, spinners, doodads, thing-a-ma-jigs...

Students are allowed to bring one "fidget" type toy to school. This "fidget" should be no larger than a hand. The idea behind a fidget is to help keep a child focused while learning, but when the fidget becomes the focus it is a problem. So please, if your child must have a fidget, have him/her choose one fidget that is no larger than a hand. We appreciate your support and understanding.

Learning Commons schedule

Please help your child keep his/her library book in the large plastic bag that is labeled with their name. This bag will help protect the book from "all the things" that live in backpacks.

Students will visit the Learning Commons with their homeroom. Students must turn in their books in order to check out another book. Wednesdays-Rodenberger

Thursdays- Vaughan and Knudson

Fridays- Dagger and Blanchard (Pettit)


Now that the children are back in school have you found the urge to purge? Are you cleaning out book shelves and cabinets?

Your second grade teachers will happily accept used picture books, early chapter books, puzzles, and games.

Books help us build classroom libraries and keep collections interesting and relevant. Old puzzles and games help us with cooperation, problem solving, creativity, and indoor recess.

Let us help you with your donation piles!

Birthday Celebrations

Birthdays are special. We will celebrate your child's special day with singing in our classroom. You may send in small treats like pencils, erasers, stickers, etc., if you choose. Please refrain from sending in any food item.