Kindergarten Newsletter

February 7 - February 11, 2022

Click on the name below to email the teacher.

Important Dates:

February 7- Valentine Box Due

February 8- NEW DATE- 100th Day of School

February 9- two wrapped Girl Scout Boxes due (more information below)

February 9-Positive Proof Due

February 7-11- Valentine Cards Due

February 11- Valentine Party

February 12- NEW DATE Snow Hill

February 15- 3D Shapes Due- (More information below)

February 21- 3D Creation Items Due (More information to come)

February 22- Spring Picture Day

February 25- Kindergarten Rodeo (more information below)

What are we Learning?

Reading: I can identify a verb.

Writing: I can write how-to.

Math: I can identify 2D shapes.

Social Studies: I can identify Valentine Traditions.

100th Day of School

Your child can dress up as a 100 year old THIS TUESDAY for our 100th Day of School. We can't wait to see these old grannies and grandpas.

We would love if you joined us for our 100th day of school parade outside. Below you will see a map of our route! Parents will want to spread out from the front entrance, heading toward the bus loop, all the way towards our Kinder entrance doors! We will begin our parade promptly after the tardy bell at 7:45, so be on time!

Kindergarten Rodeo

Our annual Kindergarten Rodeo is on Friday, February 25th at 2:00 and you won't want to miss this event! Weather permitting, we will be on the primary playground and family members are welcome to attend. The children LOVE getting to dress up like cowboys and cowgirls for this very special performance!

Each child gets a "horse" for this boot scootin' good time! In order for all our Kindergarteners to get one, we need your help! Each student will need two empty tightly wrapped girl scout boxes (pictures attached) and a bandana. They can be wrapped in brown, black or white with clear packing tape. Feel free to email your child's teacher if you are in need of butcher paper to help wrap your child's horse. We will need these boxes by Wednesday, February 9th. Our wonderful PTA will be donating the materials for the stick horses and our Room Moms will be assembling the stick horses. We want each child to get the horse of their dreams!

Thank you for making this a fun event!

If you need a connection to buy cookies from, reach out to your child's kindergarten teacher and we can help! :)

Please complete Fastpass for easy check in!

Valentine's Day Information

Please make sure to read both sides of the Valentine letter! Don't forget your child's valentines are due TOMORROW! :)

Parents are invited to come up and visit their child during the child's recess on Friday, February 11 from 12:40-1:10. If you will be attending, you must complete this Fastpass Visitor Form. If you do not complete the form, you will be required to come into the building with your driver's license to sign in to the Raptor system.


Over the next few months, Kindergarten is looking for parents willing to WebEx with our classes regarding the following professional strands:




If you are willing to prepare a short (5-10 minute) presentation for our Kindergarteners, please email Mrs. Lind at

We would like for you to tell us about your job and show any "tools" you may use in your profession. For example, if you are an accountant, your "tool" would be a calculator and computer, etc. We would like for someone to be able to share about their career in a way 5-year-olds will understand and be engaged! Click on the links above to see if your career falls into one of the categories.

Thank you for helping us teach our children about their FUTURE!!

GT Testing and/or the ASPIRE Academy

Testing Window: February 1 - February 28

GT Decision mailed on: March 28

ASPIRE Decision mailed on: April 27

GCISD Gifted and Talented

For more information regarding the testing process, please view one of the following videos below. All videos can also be found at


Kinder Spanish


Have you been receiving remind messages from your child's teacher? If not, please let your child's teacher know so you can get set up! This is a great way for you to communicate with the teacher and a way the teachers send out reminders!

Sight Words

New Sight Words for the Week:

back, because, best, pretty

Sight Words your child should be able to read: I, and, can, my, to, do, see, the, go, like, no, so, me, we, she, he, is, in, you, be, get, had, all, said, look, dad, it, mom, am, cut, sit, that, at, got, let, not, by, if, of, saw, off, on, us, was, as, did, has, ran, for, fun, yes, his, are, have, at, will, this, her, with, your, here, love, play say, came, come, from, some, them, then, these, they, ask, little, very, went

Reading Practice

Please have your child read their book every night.

Ideas to do after your child finishes their book:

-find sight words in the book

-ask your child questions about the book

-retell the story in order

Please make sure your child puts their book back in their book bag and brings their book bag to school every day!

Math Practice

Below are math skills you can practice at home with your child.

Counting to 100

Comparing numbers

Identify coins

Identify, represent, and write teen numbers

Count on from any given number 1-20

Identify 1 more/ 1 less to 20

February Birthdays

2/10 Kelsey

2/18 Jonah

2/18 Jaxon

Great Tiger Folder

Please make sure you are signing your child's GREAT chart inside your child's folder each night. Also, make sure you are cleaning out your child's folder nightly as well.


Standards Based Report Cards

The report card is designed to provide more specific and accurate information to parents than a traditional report card. Research has shown that giving specific feedback helps students to set goals and focus on continuous growth, rather than receiving an averaged number grade that gives imprecise information about performance. They will be in Skyward each nine weeks, with progress reports posted every six weeks. Please read the following links for more detailed information.

SBRC Parent Guide

SBRC Parent Guide (en español)

SBRC Special Services Parent Letter

SBRC Special Services Parent letter (en español)

Developmental Sequence of Phonological Skills

80-90% of children can do the following:

By the age of 5

  • recognize rhyme - which two rhyme? bug, cat, hug

  • clap/count syllables - dog (1 clap), turtle (2 claps)

By the age of 5 1/2

  • blend onset/rime - /b/ /oat/ (boat) - special note: onset is the initial phonological unit of a word, rime is what follows the onset and is typically from the first vowel onward

  • produce rhymes - tell me a word that rhymes with cat?

  • isolate beginning sound - tell me the first sound in net (/n/)

By the age of 6

  • syllable deletion - say tulip, now say tulip without the /t/

  • blend 2 and 3 phoneme words - if I say /s/ /u/ /n/, what is the word? if I say /b/ /o/, what is the word?

  • segment 2 and 3 phoneme words - say the sounds you hear in boat (/b/ /o/ /t/)

Kindergarten Wish List

Below are some other items we are in need of. Please use the link below if you wish to donate. We appreciate it so much!

Please include the teachers name when you purchase from amazon.


Please make sure you send a bite sized snack with your child daily. We don't have lunch until 12:10 so your child will be very sad and hungry if they don't have a snack to eat.


Please create a routine with your child to make sure your child's Ipad is charged each night and brought to school each day!

We download apps together as a class. Please don't let your child download any apps at home!

Library Tips

We always tell our students to keep their book in their backpack at all times (unless they are reading it) so it is always here at school when it's time for the library!

Below is the day your child's class will go to the library each week! YOUR CHILD WILL RETURN THEIR BOOK THE DAY BEFORE THEIR LIBRARY DAY! Please make sure your child brings their book that day so they can check out a new book the following day.

Arington: Wednesday

Lind: Thursday

Mack: Thursday

Richardson: Tuesday

Going Home

If you find your child must go home a different way than planned, please notify the office by a phone call by at least 2:00 p.m. Teachers and our front office staff do not always have access to email or are busy teaching or helping others. A phone call is required. Sometimes we have only one person in the front office, so we want to provide ample time to be able to meet your needs.


If you plan to volunteer in any capacity this school year, please click here to complete the background check.