ECSE Newsletter

April 11 - April 15, 2022

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Apr. 4-8, 2022:

Zoo/Jungle Animals

This week we will continue songs, stories, and activities all about zoo and jungle animals.

Circle Time

Color Song: Students' Choice and review of color words. We will sing and spell the color, and find things that are the chosen color.

Shape Song: We will sing about a variety of shapes, identify them by pointing, naming,or selecting the correct shape on our iPad, and draw shapes on our display and in our journals.

Letter Review: Student choice of letters D, E, or F, finding the letter in text, making the letter, and learning the sound

Animal Boogie Song

Let's Go to the Zoo song and movements

I Can Show the Number 3 and 4, counting and writing one and two, subitizing (instant recognition) of sets one and two

Story time/Read alouds

Giraffes Can't Dance

Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do Hear?

Dear Zoo

Play and Work centers

Matching counter sets to numbers

Counting and coloring zoo animals

Journal writing strokes, shapes, letters, names, and pictures

Zoo Animal Art

Writing numbers 3 and 4

Home Center, Toy Center, Trains Sensory bins, Fine Motor/Art, Books, Puzzles, and Motor Lab on a rotating basis

Parent Corner

Teaching kids self calming techniques can begin very early. One of the easiest self calming techniques to teach young children is deep breathing. You should teach your child deep breathing techniques during calm times, making them fun and memorable. That way, when your child is upset, it is easy to prompt them to use the techniques. Practice them with your child in a variety of settings, so that they know they can use them anywhere. One of the breathing techniques our PreK students like and use is called Balloon Breathing. Here is a link to how to do it:

Upcoming Events and Reminders

Monday, April 11th- Hat or Jersey Day. Wear a baseball hat or jersey for baseball's Opening Day.

School Librarian Appreciation Day is Wednesday April 13th.

We have students with allergies in our classroom. Please make sure your child's snack is nut-free.

Please check your child's backpack and restock with pull-ups or diapers as needed. Please label all outerwear, snack containers, etc.