Kindergarten Newsletter

September 20-September 24, 2021

Click on the name below to email the teacher.

Important Dates:

September 20- No School

October 6- International Walk to School Day

October 11- No school

October 12- Fall Picture Day

October 12 & 13- Chick Fil A Spirit Night

What are we Learning?

Reading: I can reread my books and put all the pages together.

Writing: I can stretch out my words.

Math: I can count and write 6-9.

Science: I can observe changes that are part of a simple life cycle of a plant.

Social Studies: I can identify authority figures in the school and how they enforce rules.


If your child has mastered all their letters and sounds, then your child will come home with a guided reading book this week. Please have your child read their book each night. After your child reads their book, please make sure they put it back in their book bag and bring their book bag to school every day!

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Please make sure your child is practicing their letters and sounds each night using their green ABC cards!

Please also make sure your child is practicing their blue sight word cards each night! We have already introduced 8 sight words that are listed below.

I, and, can, my, to, do, see, the

A few other non academic things to have your child practice at home:

-opening snacks

-plugging their headphones into their ipad

- tying shoes

Kindergarten Wish List

Each class is in need of hand sanitizer, clorox wipes, and foam hand washing soap! If you would like to donate these items we would greatly appreciate it! :)

Below are some other items we are in need of. Please use the link below if you wish to donate. We appreciate it so much!


Please make sure you send a bite sized snack with your child daily. We don't have lunch until 12:10 so your child will be very sad and hungry if they don't have a snack to eat.


Please create a routine with your child to make sure your child's Ipad is charged each night and brought to school each day!

We download apps together as a class. Please don't let your child download any apps at home!

Library Tips

We always tell our students to keep their book in their backpack at all times (unless they are reading it) so it is always here at school when it's time for the library!

Below is the day your child's class will go to the library each week! YOUR CHILD WILL RETURN THEIR BOOK THE DAY BEFORE THEIR LIBRARY DAY! Please make sure your child brings their book that day so they can check out a new book the following day.

Arington: Wednesday

Lind: Thursday

Mack: Thursday

Richardson: Tuesday

Going Home

If you find your child must go home a different way than planned, please notify the office by a phone call by at least 2:00 p.m. Teachers and our front office staff do not always have access to email or are busy teaching or helping others. A phone call is required. Sometimes we have only one person in the front office, so we want to provide ample time to be able to meet your needs.

September Birthdays

9/4 Owen

9/6 Welles

9/7 Alex K.

9/15 Nolan

9/18 Dexter

9/28 Johnny

9/28 Michael


If you plan to volunteer in any capacity this school year, please click here to complete the background check.