Pre-K Newsletter

August 23-27, 2021

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August 30th, 2021 Week #3

"My School Family"

"My 5 Senses"

This week we learned all about our "school family". Our focus included vocabulary words such as "classmates" and "routines". Ask your child what these words mean? We enjoyed getting to know each other's favorite foods as we learned about healthy lunches. Our ability to identify our names is improving each day. We are working hard on learning to write the letters in our names. Encourage your little one to practice writing their name at home.

In our upcoming week we will focus on "Our Bodies". The five senses will be explored as we learn all about our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and hands. Students will share many of their favorite things as they describe events using their five senses.

Looking forward to...

Important Dates:

September 6: Labor Day~ No School

September 15- International Dot Day- Wear your dots and spots!

September 16: Rock Out ~ 6:00-8:00 pm

September 20: No School


We are learning the meaning of an "illustrator" this week as we venture through our class read aloud stories.

Name recognition is a pre-k skill. Your child is working hard at identifying their own name as well as their classmates names. Ask your child how many classmates they can name for you.


Location, location, location! Your little one is learning the proper use of location words such as top, middle, and bottom. Practice location words by playing fun games with your child such as in "hide and seek" with two small objects. When your child locates the item, have them describe "where" they were in relation to each other.

Ex: "The coin was under the cup".


This week we will focus on following directions as well as having self control.

Ask your child to demonstrate S.T.A.R. breathing. We all can use a little help with deep breathing and self control. Your little one is learning some great strategies for managing their emotions.

Please remember ...

Your child needs the following items sent in their backpack, every day:

*a change of clothes in a ziploc bag

*a water bottle that they can manage without spilling

*2-3 healthy snack items (no items that require utensils, please)

Dismissal Reminder:

If you find your child must go home a different way than planned, please notify the office by a phone call by at least 2:00 p.m. Teachers and our front office staff do not always have access to email or are busy teaching or helping others. A phone call is required. Sometimes we have only one person in the front office, so we want to provide ample time to be able to meet your needs.

Fine Motor Activities

Pipe Cleaners & Strainers

Encourage your child to thread pipe cleaners through the holes of a strainer. Extension: discuss the colors of each item, discuss the movement of each pipe cleaner as it bends and twists through the holes.

Slots & Cans

Using various recycled cans, create slots in the sides or lids for your child to insert sticks, ribbons or other small items into. Encourage your child to use their fingers to create a grip as they push and pull items into and out of the slots.

Stringing Beads

Allow your child to thread beads onto a string, shoelace, or pipe cleaner. You can further their cognitive awareness by discussing patterns (made by the colors of the beads), or counting the beads as they are used.

Happy Birthday

Mrs. Haynes

Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate Mrs. Haynes' birthday this past week. We sure love celebrating birthdays in Pre-K!

Big Pre-K News!

Thank you to one of our sweet students for our classroom caterpillars. We have all been enjoying watching our caterpillars this week as they go through their life cycle and progress towards becoming a Monarch butterfly! On Thursday both classes were able to see their caterpillar form a chrysalis! Today, we will observe and make note of what changes are occurring and what might happen next. We are very excited!

Pre-K Sign Up Genius

Thank you to everyone who has helped fulfill our needs by donating items on our Sign Up Genius lists. Please know that we appreciate you and all your support! We will continue to keep our lists current with classroom needs throughout the school year. Thank you!

Haynes' Teacher Wish List

Potter's Teacher Wish List


For students who wear masks, please put 5-6 masks in a ziplock bag and place it in your student's backpack. We know masks provide comfort for some students and we wouldn't want them to worry if they get lost, soiled, forgotten or broken.

If you desire your child to wear a mask at school, we ask that you practice this with them at home. It is very hard to keep a 4 or 5 year old in a mask all day at school when they are not used to wearing one elsewhere. Thank you for your understanding.