2nd Grade Newsletter

January 31 - February 4, 2022

Welcome to 2nd Grade

You must call the office, 817-305-4870, by 2:00 p.m. to communicate any change in your child's dismissal.

Please check and initial your child's Great Tiger Folder every evening.

Weekly Learning Objectives

Math- Learners will collect data, read, and interpret various types of graphs.

ELAR-Learners will practice matching their internal reading voice to their external reading voice.

Social Studies - Learners will name current public officials.

Science-Learners will review properties and states of matter.

Fundations (spelling)- Learners will understand how to use a silent e in spelling.

Snack Reminder

Students should bring two snacks and a refillable water bottle each day. We have a very late lunch, 12:45 p.m., so snacks are extremely helpful. (Nurse Katy will not be able to provide snacks for students that forget theirs.)

Mark Your Calendar

February 1- GT testing starts Tuesday, February 1. Your child may be pulled for testing for approximately 45 minutes each day this week. This only applies to students that were referred for testing by his/her parent.

Saturday, February 5, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.- Dad's Club Annual Snow Hill, register by January 31. Email Scott Payne with questions: oc.taylor.dads.club@gmail.com

February 7-11 Students may bring their Valentine's box and valentines (see below for further information)

February 11- Valentine's Party-New Information Below!

February 14- No School, Professional Development

February 22- Spring Picture Day

Book Bags/Nightly Reading

Your child should bring home a leveled "bag of books" each evening for his/her 20 minutes of nightly reading. We kindly ask that the books, with the table of contents card, stay in your child's backpack. *Bookbags are distributed each Monday and are turned in each Friday.

Valentine's Day Party

Our class Valentine's Day Party will be on the afternoon of Friday, February 11. Children may bring their decorated boxes starting Monday, February 7. Students will deliver their valentines on Friday, February 11. In order to avoid hurt feelings and keep the party fun, we kindly ask that your child provide a valentine for each classmate. A list of names will be sent home on January 31. Check your child's GREAT Tiger folder for the list.

Parents are invited to come up and visit their child during the child's recess on Friday, February 11. Your teacher will be reaching out to you next week with the details. If you will be attending, you must complete this Fastpass Visitor Form. If you do not complete the form, you will be required to come into the building with your driver's license to sign in to the Raptor system.

Parents are invited come to school on Friday, February 11 at 11:45 a.m. to see all of the fun valentine boxes and snap a few pictures. Then head outside with your child for recess at 12:00. Students will come back inside at 12:35 p.m. to get ready for lunch. If you will be staying for lunch please let your child's teacher know 24 hours in advance. You will need to go to the front of the building (foyer) to wait for your child. You may take your child to the picnic tables to enjoy a "lovely lunch".

Math at Home

For the next few weeks, we will be focusing on counting coins up to one dollar. A great way to practice this at home is to give your child a handful of coins and let them count it up! You could also call out a certain amount of money and have them show you by using different coins. For example, you could ask them to show you 3 ways to make 82 cents.

Learning Commons

Please help your child keep his/her library book in the large plastic bag that is labeled with their name. This bag will help protect the book from "all the things" that live in backpacks.

Students will visit the Learning Commons with their homeroom. Students must turn in their books in order to check out another book. *Please have your child bring their library books to school the day before their scheduled day to visit the Learning Commons. Students will be able to turn in their books to allow for ample time for Mrs. Irwin to check them back in. Thank you!

Thursdays- Knudson and Rodenberger

Fridays- Dagger and Blanchard (Pettit)


Now that the children are back in school have you found the urge to purge? Are you cleaning out book shelves and cabinets?

Your second grade teachers will happily accept used picture books, early chapter books, puzzles, and games.

Books help us build classroom libraries and keep collections interesting and relevant. Old puzzles and games help us with cooperation, problem solving, creativity, and indoor recess.

Let us help you with your donation piles!

Donations Appreciated

Treasure Box-

We are now accepting treasure box donations for our classrooms. We will happily accept small rewards/trinkets such as pencils, stickers, and Happy Meal toys.

Classroom Needs-

Clorox Wipes

Black Expo Markers