ECSE Newsletter

March 28 - April 1, 2022

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Mar. 28-Apr. 1, 2022:


This week we will continue our songs, stories, and activities all about Spring!

Circle Time

Yellow color song: We will sing and spell the color yellow, and find things that are yellow.

Olive Oval: We will sing about ovals, and draw them on our display and in our journals

Letter Z song: finding Z in text, making Z, and learning the Z sound

Five Little Ducks book and song

Five Green and Speckled Frogs beanbags and song

Story time/Read alouds

And Then It's Spring

All Around the Seasons

Play and Work centers

Counting petals for flowers

Scoop-A-Bug sorting activity

The Very Hungry Caterpillar app

Writing Z and drawing shapes

Journal writing strokes, shapes, letters, and pictures

5 Little Ducks watercolor art

Home Center, Toy Center, Trains Sensory bins, Fine Motor/Art, Books, Motor Lab on a rotating basis

Parent Corner

Potty training can be very daunting for parents and children alike. Here are some tips for how to make bathroom routines smoother.

  1. Consider charting when your child's diaper or pull up is wet or soiled. Often you can find a pattern of the time of day that they go, and you can work on getting them to sit on the potty beforehand.

  2. Once you know how often they go, use a timer set to go off at regular intervals. Have your child sit on the potty every time the timer goes off. You can also use a timer to indicate how long they should sit on the potty.

  3. Use a special toy, song, or book that is specifically for potty time. Your child may only have that item or activity while they sit on the potty.

  4. Use a visual, such as a printed picture of a toilet or bathroom, to indicate that it is time to go try to use the bathroom. Often using less verbal directives prevents kids from getting upset.

  5. Keep a chart for your child where you can put a smiley face or a sticker when they are successful. Kids love to have visuals of their success. Cheer, dance,and get excited about it! Your child may also earn a small reinforcer, such as a small candy, that is ONLY for potty success.

  6. Make visiting the bathroom a part of your regular routine. For example, always go right before dinner, or right after you wake up. Regular times become less of a battle.

  7. Once you see some success, consider changing to underwear for the day time hours. Children often feel comfortable soiling a pull up, but uncomfortable about accidents in undies.

Upcoming Events and Reminders

Thursday, March 31st is PTA Pizza and Game Night at 6:30 PM. Please see the schoolwide newsletter for details on how to reserve your spot.

Please check your child's backpack and restock with pull-ups or diapers as needed. Please label all outerwear, snack containers, etc.