2nd Grade Newsletter

October 4-8, 2021

Welcome to 2nd Grade

You must call the office, 817-305-4870, by 2:00 p.m. to communicate any change in your child's dismissal.

Please check and initial your child's Great Tiger Folder every evening.

Weekly Learning Objectives

Math- Learners will add and subtract 2-digit numbers and use problem solving skills to solve word problems.

ELAR-Learners will discuss an author's purpose for writing. Learners will plan and write stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Social Studies - Learners will understand the characteristics of good citizenship.

Science- Learners will understand insect life cycles.

Fundations (spelling)- Learners will understand closed exceptions and vowel teams in spelling.

Mark Your Calendar

Monday, October 4- Wear blue for Bullying Prevention Day

The OCT Storybook Pumpkin Patch opens! Click here for details!

Wednesday, October 6- International Walk to School Day

Monday, October 11- School Holiday

Tuesday, October 12- School Picture Day Chick Fil A Spirit Night-Colleyville 5:00-7:00 p.m. Click for more info

Wednesday, October 13- Cogat Testing, headphones required

Early Dismissal at 11:45 a.m.

Tuesday, October 19- Cogat Testing, headphones required

Thursday, October 21- Cogat Testing, headphones required

October 25-29- Red Ribbon Week

Fall Conferences

Your child's homeroom teacher will be emailing a Sign Up Genius to sign up for fall conferences on Monday, October 4. We are offering phone conferences during the school day and in-person conferences after school during various days over the next few weeks.

Book Bags/Nightly Reading

Your child should bring home a leveled "bag of books" each evening for his/her 20 minutes of nightly reading. We kindly ask that the books, with the table of contents card, stay in your child's backpack. *Bookbags are distributed each Monday and are turned in each Friday.

Nightly reading can take many forms. Your child can read aloud to you, you could read aloud to your child, or you can share the reading. After reading discuss the book by asking questions like "Who was your favorite character? Why?" "What was your favorite part of the story? Why?"

Fidgets, pop gizmos, trinkets, spinners, doodads, thing-a-ma-jigs...

Students are allowed to bring one "fidget" type toy to school. This "fidget" should be no larger than a hand. The idea behind a fidget is to help keep a child focused while learning, but when the fidget becomes the focus it is a problem. So please, if your child must have a fidget, have him/her choose one fidget that is no larger than a hand. We appreciate your support and understanding.

Math at home- Subtraction to Zero

Try this fun game with your child!

Each player starts the game at 100. Each player can take one card per turn and subtract the number they get from 100. To win the game, a player must be first to reach zero. If all the cards have been drawn from the deck, the player who is the closest to zero wins. Jacks are worth 11, Queens are worth 12, Kings are worth 13, and Aces are worth 0, or whatever number is agreed upon.

Learning Commons schedule

Please help your child keep his/her library book in the large plastic bag that is labeled with their name. This bag will help protect the book from "all the things" that live in backpacks.

Students will visit the Learning Commons with their homeroom. Students must turn in their books in order to check out another book. *Please have your child bring their library books to school the day before their scheduled day to visit the Learning Commons. Students will be able to turn in their books to allow for ample time for Mrs. Irwin to check them back in. Thank you!


Thursdays- Vaughan and Knudson

Fridays- Dagger and Blanchard (Pettit)


Now that the children are back in school have you found the urge to purge? Are you cleaning out book shelves and cabinets?

Your second grade teachers will happily accept used picture books, early chapter books, puzzles, and games.

Books help us build classroom libraries and keep collections interesting and relevant. Old puzzles and games help us with cooperation, problem solving, creativity, and indoor recess.

Let us help you with your donation piles!

Birthday Celebrations

Birthdays are special. We will celebrate your child's special day with singing in our classroom. You may send in small treats like pencils, erasers, stickers, etc., if you choose. Please refrain from sending in any food item.