4th Grade Newsletter

May 23 - May 26, 2022

Click on the name below to email the teacher.


Kim Steele: kimberley.steele@gcisd.net

Anne Lee: anne.hurstlee@gcisd.net

Halli Mankins: halli.mankins@gcisd.net

Cindy Rutter: cynthia.rutter@gcisd.net







5/24 Career Day--Wear college shirt or colors

5/25 "Lunch on the Lawn" Parents are invited to join their students during normal lunchtimes. 4th grade's lunchtime is from 11:25-11:55. You may want to bring a towel, blanket, or quilt. Click here to see the lunchtimes and map.

5/25 Wear a Hat or Bring a Stuffed Animal ($1 to support 5th Grade Continuation Ceremony and Celebration)

5/26 Last Day of School 7:40 am - 3:05 pm


Did you forget to order a yearbook? We have extras. It is a first-come, first-serve basis. Please write a check out for $17.32 to O. C. Taylor Elementary school. Have your student bring the check to the art room for their yearbook!


Math: The students will learn about personal financial literacy.

Science: The students will experiment with slope and friction.

Reading and Writing: The students are creating their own plays to present to the class.


Every year, we team up with Grace Grapevine to help stock their food pantry.


The Grade with the most donations each month will get an extra recess. Thank you for supporting Grace and our community!

Reading Homework

The only reading homework your child has is to read for 20-30 minutes each night. We talk a lot in class about how we can not grow as learners if we don't practice. By reading each night, we can grow as readers. If your child is struggling to find a "good fit" book, please let me know so I can assist them in finding a book. Also, ask your child how they are doing on the GCISD Reads program.

Library-Your child's library books were due on Friday, May 13. Please ask your child if they have returned all their library books. Mrs. Irwin will hand your child a reminder if they have not sent in all books.