Danfoss EvoFlat Operating Guide
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The system should feature electronic controls as well as return sensors. The maximum temperature of the flow medium in the substation is 95 °C. Make sure the heat is distributed evenly across the full heating surface – open all radiators and keep the radiators in the system from heating up at the bottom. 02 DEN-LDS 17 Installation Guide EvoFlat possible, while maintaining a reasonable level of comfort. Visual checking should confirm temperatures, pressures, acceptable thermal expansion and absence of leakage. 3 Electrical connections Before making electrical connections, please note the following: Safety notes Please read the relevant parts of the safety notes. Pressure Equipment Directive – 97/23/EC Equipment category: 0 (article 3. 02 Danfoss District Energy Installation Guide EvoFlat 3. 10 Return temperature limiter FJVR (10-55°C) The return limiter type FJVR automatically controls the return temperature from heating system. Signals from the room thermostat can be used to control zone valves. Orientation The station must be mounted so that components, keyholes and labels are placed correctly. Note: Before mounting of electronic programmable room thermostat, thermoactuator TWA-Z NC must be mounted on the zone valve. Regular inspections of the substation according to this Instruction are recommended, which should include: Authorized personnel only Assembly, start-up and maintenance work must be performed by qualified and authorized personnel only. Choice of material Choice of materials always in compliance with local legislation. Grounding / potential compensation The station should be connected to a grounding point on the right side of the station mounting rail. 3: Remove fitting piece Remove the fitting piece and replace it with the energy meter. Call automatic controls manufacturer or replace the regulator. Please comply with the instructions issued by the system manufacturer or system operator. DHW temperature control By turning the handle for temperature temperature in (+/MAX) direction the temperature is increased, by turning it in (-/MIN) direction the temperature is decreased. Check that all hairpins in click connections are completely pushed in