VLADIMIR TRETCHIKOFF Artist Painter - Biography - Prints for sale - Auction prices for original paintings - Google Picture Gallery - Tretchikoff on Wikipedia - Books about Tretchikoff - Death - Obituary

Pictures for sale - Prices & Values - Repros on canvas - Books - Online shops - Biographies - Galleries for his work - Exhibitions - Full story of the Green Lady.

VLADIMIR GRIEGOROVICH TRETCHIKOFF was born in 1913 in Siberia, Russia. He was a self taught artist who shot to international fame with his portrait "Chinese Girl", now better known as the Green Lady and/or the Mona Lisa of Kitsch, to be the World's best selling print ever. Read the full story of the Green lady: The Tretchikoff Green Lady: Full story.

Perhaps his second most famous image is Balinese Girl which is arguably even more haunting and rated much more collectable since it is rarer. A personally signed version is extremely rare.

Tretchikoff held his first solo exhibition in Shanghai in 1933 and exhibited extensively worldwide thereafter, holding more than 30 major shows until his death in 2006. During the period 1978-99 four films were made about the artist, by the BBC, South African Broadcasting Corporation and Eurovision. In 1946 he moved permanently to South Africa and much of his later work is strongly influenced by the South African environment. The artist died in Cape Town in 2006

A more detailed biography of Vladimir Tretchikoff can be found on Wikipedia:(see link below) and on Artrepublic.

Vladimir Tretchikoff: Artist's home page

Picture of the artist with his painting Chinese Girl.

Tretchikoff on Wikipedia with artist self portrait

Vladimir Tretchikoff art prints for sale

Vladimir Tretchikoff auction prices for original paintings

Vladimir Tretchikoff for sale on Ebay

Vladimir Tretchikoff on Google Images showing his most popular creations

Vladimir Tretchikoff on Pinterest

Vladimir Tretchikov Obituary

Vladimir Tretchikoff exhibition at Iziko Gallery Cape Town

Vladimir Tretchikoff's most enduring images include: Chinese Girl (often described as the Mona Lisa of Kitsch) - Balinese Girl - Miss Wong - Lenka - Melon Time - Dying Swan - Balinese Dancer - Lost Orchid - Lady from the Orient - Fruits of Bali. You can view all these by browsing the links above. The original of the Chinese Girl, often also described as the Green Lady, reportedly fetched over $1m recently at auction.

Galleries and Retailers offering Vladimir Tretchikoff prints and artworks for sale include:

King & Mcgaw

The Official Tretchikoff Shop



Books about Vladimir Tretchikoff include:

Incredible Tretchikoff: Life of an artist and Adventurer: Author Boris Gorelik

Pigeon's Luck: Author Vladimir Tretchikoff himself

Vladimir Tretchikoff: The People's Painter: Author Jonathan Ball

Tretchikoff: Author Howard Timmins (Riverwash Books)


Sorry, all sold out at present.

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