GERALD KELLY RA: British portrait painter: Biography

Sir Gerald Festus Kelly PRA (1879-1972) was a British painter best known for his portraits. He was born in London, educated at Eton College and Trinity Hall, Cambridge and later lived and studied in Paris. J. M. Whistler was an early influence. He travelled widely, including to Burma in 1908-09 which inspired a series of beautiful portraits of Burmese princesses and dancers. One, particularly famous one, is known as the Yellow Tamein and was much copied. He became a favourite painter of the Royal Family and in 1930 he was elected to the Royal Academy, serving as President from 1949 to 1954. He was knighted in 1945. The artist’s work is represented in many public collections, including the Tate Gallery. He died at Exmouth in 1972.

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