Ronald Wong: Aviation artist: Biography - Artist's website - Gallery of paintings

Ronald Wong, BSc, GAvA, ASAA, was born in 1940. His original training in Britain was an honours degree in biochemistry and it was only after years of service in the British National Health Service that he decided to embark on a career as an artist. Perhaps not everyone appreciates that his first artistic work was in depicting animals and these charming early paintings (of which this is a prime example) are now exceedingly rare and sought after. He also worked in portraiture, motoring, marine and landscapes. It was only later that the really big breakthrough came when he ventured into aviation art. The artist's astonishing attention to detail was an immediate success and as well as his stunning originals which sell for up to US$1,000, his aviation prints now sell in huge quantities to an every hungry public. Ronald Wong lives in St. Albans, UK.

Ronald Wong: Official website:

Ronald Wong: Gallery of aviation art

Ronald Wong: Prices at auction


January 2020

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