REBECCA LARDENER Artist Painter. Biography - Auction prices - Paintings for sale - Rebecca Lardner images on Google

Rebecca Lardener was born in Swanage, UK in October 1971. Her father was a gamekeeper and her mother the local post mistress. She spent her childhood roaming the glorious Dorset countryside, happiest amongst nature whilst keenly observing the local people and places that have fascinated her ever since. Her paintings are influenced particularly by the South West of England and its coastline, depicting as they do life by the sea, captured in her signature palette of subtle blues and greens.

Rebecca gained a BA degree in illustration from Liverpool John Moore’s University. After graduation she worked as a professional artist and illustrator. In 1995, she designed, made and installed 24 animated windows for the prestigious Brown Thomas department store in Dublin, in time for the Christmas lights display in the same year. Her work has been published worldwide, especially her Limited Edition prints which have been sold widely throughout Europe and America. She regularly exhibits with leading galleries throughout the UK and else where. Her delightful naive paintings are bought by collectors worldwide.

The Fine Art Trade Guild awarded Rebecca Lardener the title of Best Up and Coming Artist in 2008 and Best Selling British Artist in 2010. Some commentators have dubbed her “the modern day L*wry”.


January 2020.

Rebecca Lardener: Auction prices

Photo of Rebecca Lardener, artist's signature and more about her

Rebecca Lardener: Artist's website

Rebecca Lardener on Google Images

Rebecca Lardener on Wikipedia

Rebecca Lardener prints for sale

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