Paul Horton Artist: Biography - Gallery of art

Paul Horton: Born in Harborne, Birmingham in 1958, award-winning contemporary pastel artist, Paul Horton had always nurtured dreams of being an artist when he grew up, and therefore, true to his long-held ambition he attended the Bournville School of Art, part of Birmingham City University in the late 1970s. It was whilst studying here that Horton specialised in Life Drawing, History of Art, Sculpture, Drawing and Painting, and gained a grounding and understanding of what it would take to realise his dreams. Despite Horton never graduating as such, he to this day insists that his years spent at art school paved the way and gave him the skill-set and confidence in those taught abilities for the successes that he’s enjoying in the contemporary art world here and now.

Paul Horton: Gallery of artworks on Chelmer Fine Art


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