Thomas Todd Blaylock: Artist: Biography and Pictures for Sale

THOMAS TODD BLAYLOCK: Scottish (1876-1929). Superb woodcut. Pencil signed by the artist at bottom right and entitled "Nasturtiums". Published by Alfred Bell & Co. Ltd of Old Bond Street, London in 1928. Handsomely mounted, framed and glazed in a simple but Hogarth style frame. Overall dimensions including the frame Approx. 27 cm. by 25 cm. Near gallery condition and ready to hang. Price £150 including UK postage and tracking. (Please add £20 for international shipping.) Enquiries please by Email to

THOMAS TODD BLAYLOCK (1876-1929) was a Scottish Impressionist and Modern artist, born in 1876 in Dumfries, Scotland. He was educated at the Royal College of Art, receiving his Diploma in 1903. Some fine examples of his work are to be found in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. He built his reputation as an accomplished painter in oils and pastels and as an etcher/engraver, particularly of woodcut prints which were particularly popular in the 1920s. The artist exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy, the Royal Society of British Artists, the Pastel Society and overseas. He won a bronze medal at the Milan International Exhibition of 1906. The artist lived the latter part of his life in Salisbury and died there in 1929.

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