James Downie Artist: Biography - Price Guide - Gallery of paintings - Downie on Ebay

JAMES DOWNIE was born in Manchester in 1949 and went to school in the South of the City before working in the building industry for many years. But his interest in Art started very early on, strongly influenced by the buildings and people of Manchester and the paintings in the local art galleries that he visited frequently. One particularly strong influence has been the work of famed Manchester artist LS L*wry and in many ways Downie can be seen as the true successor to him in the genre of Northern industrial art. Downie started to paint full time in 1989 and since then has produced a steady flow of wonderful images of the Manchester region as it was in the 1950s and 1960s. He is a keen cyclist and frequently cycles around the area taking photographs to be used later as inspiration for future paintings. James Downie now has an ever increasing number of admirers who appreciate his imaginative, quirky and appealing artistic style. This has manifested itself in a rapid increase in the demand for and prices of his work. The artist now lives and has his studio in Cornwall but returns frequently to the city of his birth to gain fresh insights to inspire his artistic imagination.

The artist markets much of his output of original paintings directly on Ebay, an ideal starting point for anyone starting a collection of his work.

James Downie: prices at auction

James Downie: Gallery of paintings

James Downie: Original paintings for sale on Ebay

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