KEN HAMMOND Artist Painter: Gallery of paintings - Artist's own website

Ken Hammond was born in Surrey in 1948 and is a self-taught artist. Ken's love of the coastal scenes and old ships have brought him to the South Coast of England where he now lives. As a child, Ken spent holidays with his uncle who was a fisherman on the River Fowey in Cornwall. This is where the influence for the estuary and harbour scenes in Ken Hammond's paintings has come from. Ken Hammond has been a member of the crew on the Sailing Ship 'Sir Winston Churchill'; this helped him with the understanding of the rigging and handling of the older working vessels which features strongly in his paintings. Ken Hammond has also been greatly influenced by the Dutch Masters and the Norwich School of Painters. Enjoying working in all painting mediums, Ken is always trying to achieve new and different styles. (Biography with acknowledgement to Courtenay’s Fine Art.)

Ken Hammond's paintings always sell well at auction, currently up to around US$500. Find out more on

Ken Hammond: Gallery of paintings

Link to Ken Hammond’s website


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