Michael Cadman Artist: Biography - Gallery of paintings

Michael Lawrence Cadman RI, ARCA, was born in Epsom, Surrey on November 9th 1920. He studied at the Wimbledon School of Art (1937-41) and then at the Royal College of Art (1942-45) under Gilbert Spencer, Percy Horton and Robert Austin. The artist has said that design, colour and atmosphere are the most important aspects of his work and he is particularly famed for his capture of reflections on water (demonstrated in full measure in the Woodland Pool). He works in oil, watercolour, pastels and acrylics. He was an influential and much respected art teacher at Epsom School of Art and Croydon College of Art over many years up to 1968. Cadman's work has been exhibited widely including at the Royal Institute of Oil Painters, the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours (RI), the Royal Society of British Artists and the Royal Academy. He has also held many successful one man shows and his work is held in many public and private collections worldwide. Several of his paintings have been successfully reproduced as prints. Michael Cadman is a member of the prestigious St Ives Society of Artists and was appointed a member of the RI in 1970. He lived for many years at East Horsley in Surrey. He died in 2010.

Michael Cadman: Gallery of paintings

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