MARGARET KEANE Artist Painter - Biography - Margaret Keane Paintings for Sale - Margaret Keane Prints for sale - Auction prices - Margaret Keane Picture Gallery of Big Eyed Kids

MARGARET KEANE Artist: Famous painter of Big Eyed Kids - Artist biography - Paintings and prints for sale - Auction prices for her paintings - Picture gallery - Margaret Keane for sale on Ebay - Margaret Keane on Wikipedia.

Margaret D.H.Keane, born 1927 in Nashville, is an American artist, famous for her paintings of big eyed children. She mainly paints in oils or mixed media and her favourite subjects are children, women and animals. Like other "mass market" artists she has mainly achieved commercial success through the enormous popularity of of her work sold as prints.

Tim Burton's 2014 biopic "Big Eyes" has recently rekindled interest in her work although detractors have unkindly described her work as kitsch.

Prints of Margaret Keane's paintings can still be acquired at quite modest prices but her originals are highly sought after and at auction have been known to fetch US$7,500 or more.

Margaret Keane: Auction prices

Margaret Keane: Paintings for sale

Margaret Keane: Gallery of work

Margaret Keane on Wikipedia

Margaret Keane: More including photo of the artist

Margaret Keane on Ebay

Margaret Keane on Pinterest

Margaret Keane on YouTube

Margaret Keane news stories


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