For University Students

On line, many courses can be used. A new table of content was produced in December 2016 :


FIPDES molecular gastronomy (in English) 

The link is 


In the courses given by H. This, you will find :  

- the full course 

- a How to work within this module (audio) 

-  a group of methods, including 

             - the method 1 3 9 27 

            - a course on creativity 

            - a course on reading documents 

            - another "applied" course on innovation and creativity (Let's have an egg) 

            - a document explaining why you would be wise to use Maple (or R) 

            - another document on creativity, applied on pastry products 

- a ppt on molecular gastronomy 

- a group of particular courses, including :  

             - a course on "coagulation" 

             - a course on dimension analysis, applied to the duration of cooking, for a roast 

             - an easy calculation of the distance between molecules 

             - a course on dry matter determination 

             - a group of courses on the formalism for the description of disperse (colloidal) systems, including :  

                                   -  a first comprehensive course 

                                   - a course focusing on operators 

                                   - a course explaining how to find the possible disperse systems 

            -  a course on formulation 

            - an example intended to explain calculation, based on the maximum volume of whipped egg white from one egg (more than one cubic meter) 

           - a course on the Laplace force 

           - an introduction to the nano world 

           - a group of courses on note by note cooking including  

                                     - a lecture for the European customs (2012) 

           - a course on sedimentation and creaming 

           - a course on surfactants 


Gastronomie moléculaire (in French) 

This is a very large group, with many documents in French. Intended for all publics.  

It is here : 



Physico-chimie pour la formulation, structuration des aliments (both French and English) 


The link is : 

This group of documents is initially for the Master IPP, the common module with the FIPDES Master. As such, it includes documents in French, and documents in English.   


First, there is a groupe of courses on particular points :  

- a text on the Laplace force in French 

- a text on formulation in French 

- a course on the Laplace force in English 

- a course on surfactants in French 


Then there are courses giving methods 

In English :  

- backbone calculation : this document is the one that one is invited to use when calculating, as explained in... 

- how to calculate  

- how to read: it was recognized that students are not always as efficient as they could be 

- what you learn 

In French:  

- ce que tu pourras apprendre : in this particular environment 

- comment lire 

- enseignement scientifique et technologique : there is a difference between science and technology! 

- methode du soliloque: very important when you have a problem 

- penser en termes de chemin 

- squelette de calcul.