The Closed Eye of Love

Post date: Jan 5, 2018 11:26:46 AM

Since Koishi Komeji is one of my favorite characters, I had some ideas on how to implement her into the game.

In this iteration, she revolves around two things: her Obfuscate ability, which keeps her hidden throughout a fight, and her Reflex Actions, which cause various effects under specific circumstances.

So firstly, her Obfuscate keeps her hidden unless someone actively looks for her; seeing her under these conditions requires a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw, as well as a possible Perception test if she's also hiding.

This combines with her Sneak Attack, which works slightly differently than a Rogue's, in that she doesn't get to use it on any attack made with advantage, and only on one where the victim cannot detect her. This includes creatures that are under the effects of her Obfuscate. As a result, her primary targets are going to be those who failed to detect her in order to get the most damage out. Intelligence and Charisma based casters are ideal targets, as they have relatively low HP and Wisdom saving throws. This also ups her damage against fighting-type characters other than monks and paladins.

Her other feature is her Reflex Action. These are special reactions that do not use up Koishi's normal reaction, and they come with both a condition and an effect. At the end of each of her turns, she chooses two of these, which are automatically activated if their conditions are met before the end of her next turn.

These allow her to be much more effective than normal if she is able to predict her opponents, and cause players to limit their own options by acting unpredictably if they want to work around it.

Anyway, I'm feeling inspired by the characters in AoCF, so I'll likely work through those now.