More Side Projects

Post date: Feb 28, 2018 2:10:12 PM

I ended up trying to make some quick rules for using both mechs and KanColle in D&D, which I'll post here under the Bonus Stuff page. That's where I'll put all the stuff I do that doesn't relate to this Touhou conversion project. Have a look, but keep in mind that they'll only really be updated when I'm not doing other things.

On the upside, I've just finished moving out, so I should be back to doing more work on the actual Touhou side of things. I want to clean up my Work in Progress list before I get back to doing new characters; Youmu is pretty high on that list because I have some ideas of how she could be cleaned up.

Essentially, now that I've got my Extra pages for each character, I can design them to feel like a proper monster fight, and keep the full extent of their abilities to the Extra page. For example, Youmu's ability to turn her phantom half into a copy of herself really made things messy. Putting that on another page will make things much easier, while still allowing me to write mechanical effects for the full extent of a character's abilities.

Other than Youmu, I'm pretty confident about Nazrin, Yoshika, Seiga and Alice; I've got a good image of how these characters work within D&D. Nazrin and Alice are slightly problematic, since I'm not sure how much I want to give to them; Alice has a lot of dolls, and implementing them all into the basic profile will obviously get ridiculously messy, while I could theoretically give Nazrin any kind of orders I wanted to, but I have to decide what the limit on these will be.

Reimu, Kaguya and Doremy are still a bit too tricky to work with. Cirno and Seija have too much I can do with their abilities, so I have to limit myself again. I also need to find a way to make Orin more interesting; she just feels like a mook spawner at the moment, without any interesting fight gimmick.

I'll also have to finish up the Items pages, since I was in the middle of doing those as well.