Monster Strategy

Post date: Sep 25, 2017 3:21:37 PM

Now that I've started writing stats for some of the characters, I'm finding that they're actually less dangerous than I expected them to be. Why is this? Because the characters that I ranked higher are also generally more intelligent characters.

The characters most affected would be people like Eirin. Eirin is one of the most intelligent characters in the series, and thanks to this, would beat many other characters that I should rank higher than her, who have more power. I'm not just talking about out-of-combat plans (which I had deliberately not accounted for) here; in a 1v1 fight, Eirin could defeat more powerful characters thanks to her cunning.

The opposite is also true. I have characters that I ranked low who actually should be ranked higher thanks to their raw power. I'd ranked them low because they wouldn't be too hard to beat due to the ease of which they can be outmaneuvered. Cirno is an obvious one, along with Utsuho, Koishi and Flandre.

Essentially, I should be treating them as if the DM will play them in an obvious manner, rather than using the character in a clever way. I'm not saying that DMs will do that, but it's how I need to treat the characters in order to give them a CR appropriate to their power.

I may add in a second CR that reflects personality, however.