Marisa Kirisame

"Okay, fine, I give up. You're right.

The endless night, that broken warped moon,

hiding the human village, and putting hats on stone statues...

All of it was Alice's fault.

Now, bitch, get outta my way!"

Many of the prominent magic users of Gensokyo are ancient and powerful beings; Magicians with an innate talent for magic, Gods, created from faith and fuelled by divine power, and other Youkai, thousands of years old. In this world, one of the most prominent Youkai-Hunters is a young, self-styled witch named Marisa Kirisame.

Marisa is a free-spirited Human girl. She has a love for astronomy, and sees magic as a spectacle - leading to one of her own mottos, "It ain't magic if it ain't flashy". As such, her spells during fights tend to be powerful, bright and loud, an unsubtle display that is nonetheless quite effective due to the raw power behind it. Marisa herself often prefers a frontal or brute-force approach to her problems - if a laser won't burn a hole through it, make a bigger laser.

However, behind this spectacle and seemingly straightforward approach lies a mind of great intelligence and cunning. At her young age, Marisa has learned much of the theory behind magic, and incorporated it into her spells, allowing her to make improvements to spells, or even design her own when needed. She's also renowned as a spell-thief, stealing not only magical tomes and ingredients to further her studies, but even being able to identify how spells she's seen before have been put together and use her own knowledge to replicate them. Her greatest strength is that she's constantly improving and learning, fuelled by her close rivalry with Reimu Hakurei, and she is yet to fall behind.

Aside from her rivalry with Reimu, her brash but friendly personality allows her to easily befriend others. Not only does she often work closely with other magicians such as Alice Margatroid and Patchouli Knowledge, but also with scientists like Nitori Kawashiro, and she can even get along well with fairies, who are often poorly understood.

Marisa Kirisame

Medium humanoid (Human), chaotic good

AC: 18

HP: 173

Speed: 30 ft., 50 ft. flying (hover)

STR 11 (+0) DEX 20 (+5) CON 17 (+3)

INT 22 (+6) WIS 18 (+4) CHA 17 (+3)

Saving Throws: Dexterity +11, Constitution +9, Intelligence +12, Wisdom +10, Charisma +9

Skills: Arcana +18, Deception +9, History +12, Insight +10, Investigation +18, Medicine +10, Perception +10, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +11, Survival +10

Languages: Japanese, Old Japanese, Youkai

Challenge: 18

Condition Immunities: Charmed, frightened


Dual Casting: (3/day, Recharge 5-6): The only thing better than one magical laser cannon is two magical laser cannons. When Marisa casts a spell, after choosing the area/targets of the spell but before resolving the effects of that spell, she may cast another spell. Determine the area/targets of the second spell, then resolve the effects of the first spell, followed by the second spell. If the first spell is countered or otherwise nullified, she may still cast another spell.

Maximum Output: While Marisa lacks in approaches other than the most direct one, she's also an expert in straightforwardness. When Marisa rolls damage for one of her spells, she may re-roll any dice that roll a 1 or 2.

Mini-Hakkero: A small, octagonal device that acts as a portable means of casting spells. The mini-Hakkero counts as an arcane focus. It allows Marisa to cast spells without needing somatic or material components. However, if she has the material components to cast a spell, she can use them to charge the mini-Hakkero. Doing this causes the spell to neither consume nor require a spell slot to cast.

Third Law of Motion/Blazing Star: At some point, Marisa realised that firing attacks forwards blasts her backwards. Done in reverse, it becomes an incredibly flashy mode of transportation. If Marisa chooses, when she casts either Love Sign "Master Spark" or Magicannon "Final Spark", she may elect to fire them backwards. Firstly, this propels her forward up to half the length of the spell (300 ft. for Master Spark or 450 ft. for Final Spark) in a straight line. The spell is then cast from her ending position, directly along the line that she just traveled. The spell then ends, rather than lasting until the beginning of her next turn.

Spellcasting: Marisa has the following spells and spell slots. Note that she is also aware the theory behind all Wizard spells, but does not know the ones other than those on the list below.

  1. /Infinite/ Burning Hands, Chromatic Orb, Detect Magic, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Identify, Magic Missile, Shield, Tenser's Floating Disk, Thunderwave
  2. /3/ Aganazzar's Scorcher, Arcane Lock, Darkvision, Flaming Sphere, Levitate, Melf's Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray, Spider Climb
  3. /3/ Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Nondetection
  4. /3/ Ice Storm
  5. /3/ Immolation
  6. /2/ Chain Lightning, Disintegrate
  7. /2/ Delayed Blast Fireball
  8. /1/ Love Sign "Master Spark"
  9. /1/ Meteor Swarm, Magicannon "Final Spark"

Spellthief: A magical prodigy, Marisa wants what she sees, and will devote hours or days of research to reverse-engineer spells she takes a liking to in order to replicate their effects, even improving on them in some cases. Marisa is an accomplished magician who is able to discern the method behind any spell, and attempt to replicate it. If Marisa sees a spell being cast, or sees its effects, she remembers it. She can spend three days of experimentation to research that spell. At the end of those three days, she learns the spell, and can cast it if she meets the requirements.

She can also attempt to replicate spell-related features this way, such as a Sorcerer's Metamagic or a Warlock's Agonizing Blast. She finds some way to replicate the effects of the feature without needing to be of that class; she does not need to form a pact to learn Warlock features, for example, but instead finds an alternate way to create the same effect.

She can also attempt to create a new spell based off of spells she already knows. The amount of time needed for experimentation for a new spell is up to the DM, and may require assistance from other magicians.


Marisa has a pair of new spells.

Love Sign "Master Spark":

8th level evocation, concentration.

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (Magical mushrooms)

Duration: Until the beginning of Marisa's next turn.

Marisa fires off her signature spell. It covers a rectangular prism that is 30 ft. wide and high, and extends 600 ft. away from Marisa, with Marisa as the point of origin in the center of the square face. All creatures within this area must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 8d6+30 force damage, while a successful save halves this damage.

This area lasts until the beginning of Marisa's next turn. Any creature that enters this area or ends its turn in this area takes 8d6+30 force damage. Marisa may not move while concentrating on this spell.

Magicannon "Final Spark": 9th level evocation, concentration.

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (Magical mushrooms)

Duration: Until the beginning of Marisa's next turn.

The ultimate spark. Covers a rectangular prism 30 ft. wide and high that extends 900 ft. from Marisa, with Marisa as the point of origin in the center of the square face. All creatures within this area must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 21d6+60 force damage, while a successful save halves this damage. Marisa may not move while concentrating on this spell.

At the beginning of Marisa's next turn, she may rotate the area up to 45 degrees horizontally and 45 degrees vertically. Any creature that the area passes through or is within the new area of effect must take the saving throw again, taking the same damage as listed above. The spell then ends.


Multiattack: Marisa makes two attacks with Illusion Laser, and three with Magic Missiles. Alternatively, she may cast a spell and attack twice with Illusion Laser. In either case, both Illusion Laser attacks must be against the same target.

Illusion Laser: Ranged spell attack. 300 ft. range, +12 to hit, 2d6+6 force damage.

Magic Missiles: Ranged spell attack. 120 ft. range, +12 to hit, 3d8+8 force damage.


Magic Absorber: An experimental move that Marisa played with, it didn't turn out to be as cool as she might've though at first. However, it is nonetheless extremely potent against magic, both protecting her and absorbing its power to be used later. Used as a reaction to a spell that targets Marisa or includes her in its area of effect. Marisa creates a magic-absorbing field that lasts until the beginning of her next turn. This field protects Marisa from the effects of any spell. Additionally, for each spell that affects the field, Marisa gains 1 absorption charge, which she keeps for 15 minutes. She may expend any number of absorption charges at the beginning of her turn to increase all spell damage dealt by her by 1d6+1 for each point spent until the end of that turn.

Legendary Actions (1 use):

High Speed Spellcasting: Sometimes, you just need more firepower. Marisa immediately casts a spell with a casting time of 1 action, 1 bonus action, or reaction.

Maneuver: As an experienced fighter, Marisa knows that it's good not to be in the way of incoming attacks. Marisa takes a move action.