
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1 and your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 2.

Age. As with other Youkai, you do not age, and always appear as the same age.

Alignment. Tsukumogami do not tend towards any particular alignment.

Size. Your size is similar to that of a human. You are a medium creature.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Japanese/Common and Youkai.

Chosen of the Forge. You gain proficiency in blacksmith's tools.

Humanoid Form. A Tsukumogami is the sentient spirit of an item. As a result, you have both an item form and a humanoid form that you use to interact with the world.

As a bonus action, you can make your humanoid form appear or disappear. You can see and sense through both your item and humanoid forms using any senses you have. The appearance of your humanoid form is chosen during character creation, and it appears the same each time you make it appear.

If you are reduced to 0 hit points or knocked unconscious, your humanoid form automatically disappears.

Your item form may also be carried or wielded by others.

If you are killed, your item form breaks, and your humanoid form disappears. If you are brought back to life, the magic used causes your item form to mend or reform.

Magical Item. Your item form is considered to be magical, including for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities. Additionally, you may use your item form as a spellcasting focus. Using your item form as a spellcasting focus allows you to add half your proficiency modifier, rounded down, to your spellcasting modifier for any spells cast this way, as well as to spell attack rolls, and your spell save DC.

You also add half your proficiency modifier, rounded down, to attack and damage rolls when making attacks with your item form.